What do I think?
Another interesting way to spend my time during the holiday. and an interesting topic to debate.
I would definitely opt to be the wealthy one. Who in this modern era would choose to be a poor person? I believe everybody couldn’t resist money. Money is not a problem but no money is always a big problem.
Now, why would I choose to be wealthy person?
If we live in dramas or movies, perhaps it is okay to be poor as long as you have a pure heart. Let’s just face it, okay? These days, everything involves money. There’s no such thing as “I can be happy too even if I’m poor”. It’s a crap told by those losers who never want to endeavor with the intention of making their lives better. If you cannot afford a piano but you have enough money for your daily groceries, that is not what we call poor. Poor is something you see on the streets, like the beggars. If you ask them would they want to be wealthy or maintain the live they lead now, what do you think their answer would be? Furthermore, how could you be happy if you’re poor? There would be some dispute between you and your family about money. No money will make people stressed out, and when people get stressed out, they will easily enrage to everything.
Some people say that money can change you. Indeed, money can transform you from an unknown tedious and hideous girl to a hottest girl in town. Soon, you will be the spotlight, the It girl. If they say money could also change you to someone awful, I have to say sorry for my indiscreet that, I am very much object. That is a bigoted opinion of the superficial people. Money does not and CANNOT change one’s personality. Say, if the person is an awful person, then he becomes a millionaire overnight, he will still be an awful person the next day or maybe worse. Say, if one is a very benevolent man, then he becomes a millionaire just overnight, he will not turn into an awful person. Nevertheless, he will be more cautious seeing that by overnight, he who has nothing turned to someone who has something to be taken care of. He will be more guarded because the fact that when he is poor, he caught no eyes and when he is rich, he will catch the eyes of bad men. He shouldn’t be assumed as self-centered because he merely avoids any possible deception attempts.
The wealthy people also normally stereotyped as one who need not to work and eventually will turn into a fat, old, spoiled personage. In reality, wealthy people are the one who is diligent compared to the poor. Their bodies became fat industrial units because they can afford more foods than the poor. They plausibly also have no time to exercise as often as the poor. Say, if you are so rich and have so many well-known companies to run, can you unconditionally trust your assistants? Just sign wherever you need to sign without reading it thoroughly, then sleep?
Some people also said that if you are rich, you could be a greedy person. How is it possible? Think about it. You earn like 20k for each day, would you even trouble yourself for a dollar? For goodness sake, of course you wouldn’t! You are too occupied to think about ways to expand your businesses; you would have no time to even look at a dollar. On the contrary, the poor barely make $200 a day. So when they have a chance to earn more money, albeit using dirty scams, trust me, they would.
Finally, read this: big comfortable mansion complete with swimming pools, securities and maids, expensive branded outfits, entrance to the elite parties, exotic breaks whenever you feel tired after work, perfumes that smells good, a big limousine, luxurious SPAs, which one of those would you turn down to own if you were to choose? For me, that is what I label as happiness.

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