Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Snippet Of A Chapter

"Oh no.. Why did you do that?" She found out what he did, on her benefit.

"I don't know. I just acted on impulse.." He looked at her, bemused.

"Why would you even think about doing something like that?" She shook her head, clearly frowning upon whatever he did, even if she knew it was for her sake.

".." He replied by simply shrugging, finally acknowledging her disappointment. But he's not sorry. He was determined to drag her out of the problem by any means possible, and if he had to go against her belief, then so be it.

*GASPED* The gesture was over the top, but she was nothing if not dramatist. In fact, it was totally needless, as what she had on her mind at that moment was just to make fun of him.

"BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME, THAT'S WHY!" She shouted, hands on her mouth.

"No, I just want to help a friend in need is all." He sighed. Where does that come from?

"haha! Admit it. You love me. You ~ Love~ Me~" She said, clasping her hands together.

"No I do not." He insisted.

"Yes you do." She mocked.

"No." He was almost running out of patience.

"Yesss." She knew she's getting closer.

"NO!" She really does make it her life goal to get under his skin every day, doesn't she? Fine. Wait for it..

"YES." Teasing him is so incredibly fun.

"..yes." He finally mumbled.

"Yes... Wait, what?" She certainly didn't see that one coming. And she was sure that her face was turning to darkest shade of crimson now.

It took everything in his power not to laugh. For once, he caught her off-guard. Her blood was slowly creeping up to her face. That did it. He felt the corner of his mouth twitched.

"You dog!" She spotted a teeny twitch on his mouth when she studied his face. And left, stomping her feet grimly.

Ooh. Someone sure didn't like the taste of her own medicine. Payback's a bitch, Sweetheart. He chuckled.


Ideas pouring like Niagara Falls. Gah, it's driving me nuts. I wanted to squeeze it in a scene between Charon and Leia but it's inappropriate.. Seriously, the story is taking place after post-apocalypse, nuclear fallout. I may want to reconsider digging my brain a lot more deeper to unearth some twisted jokes.

Oh! I think I better update Iconster. They (Zecheng and Hetty) seem busy. Off I go!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vandalizing Facebook's Wall.

When boredom strikes.
This act is not new though.
We pulled it every time we're bored to the core.
Actually, Myzah abused the mate's page too but I was already half way done editing.

It seemed that annoying and mundane things just magically felt fun to do when we're all in.
Seriously, I, for the life of me, couldn't understand how I had managed to survive all the years before meeting these two awesome-zillas.

What the...?


Where did that come from?! Are you fucking kidding me?
Gads, I can't believe I just coined that for these beings.

But then again, with them,

impossibility itself is impossible.

See what I'm saying?
I even made my very own, original quote, just for them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Modern Warfare 2

My babies

M16A4 with M-203

(Generation Kill) Sgt Brad "Iceman" Colbert used it.
Do I need to say more? :p

Though .50 Cal is awesome, there were times that I preferred Intervention.

Colt. Favorite because I'm comfortable using it, since CS.
Maverick M4A1 Carbine, anyone?

My attachments

I love Red Dot Sight more than Holographic.
Holo is not cute. It's bulky. But then, it helps in some situation.

Now for Thermal.. Ha! It's slow but when needed, it made bastards glow. Easy to notice.

I'm in love with

UAV MQ-1 Predator Drone
F-15 Eagle

Who doesn't? They are beautiful.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy birthday OXY!

Happy Birthday OXY!

You know why you’re special? Because I have never met a girl who loves Manchester United, and actually knew what she’s talking about.
It’s been two years now, and I hope it will never stop counting!

I wish for the best!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Launching Ceremony

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Corresponding to the closing of FIFA World Cup 2010 and in honor of Spain as the winner,
I, on behalf of the cameraman whom own the website, am proud to present,

(not official banner)


I am the

Deputy Director,
Personal Assistant,
Principle Private Secretary,



Sunday, July 11, 2010



I love my photoshop!

Friday, July 09, 2010

se habla español.

Tell me, are we not awesome?
Yes we are! Yes we are!



Thursday, July 08, 2010

Goodbye, Wuthering Heights.

Emily Brontë - Wuthering Heights.

My copy of this book is officially destroyed.

The cover was nowhere to be found and the pages were wet and torn to pieces.

Not my fault. Damn kids played in my room and made it one of their cooking ingredients. Did I mention how much I hate inconsiderate kids? I was furious and so close to dismembering them.

I've memorized the book by heart now but the lost is still devastating. :(

It was truly my favorite. Second only to Southern Vampire Mystery which was second only to Northanger Abbey which was well.. second only to Pride And Prejudice. It's hard enough to find a good copy in Brunei and those damn kids made it their fucking cooking ingredient. Complete with soaking the pages in water to dissolve it, as if it's a fucking seaweed. How stupid were they, really? Shitheads.

Rest in peace,
Good Book,
You served me well.

*heads to nearest trash bin*
*mali hugs*
*behead him because he said, "it's just a book."*
*mali dies*

Cue the sad music.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

All hail communication!

Love seeketh not Itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.

So sang a little Clod of Clay,
Trodden with the cattle's feet;
But a Pebble of the brook,
Warbled out these meters meet.

Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to It's delight:
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heavens despite.

The words all jumbled up. I can’t get it out of my head without looking like actually losing it.


Isn’t it stupid to throw what you feel for the last – I don’t know, days? – because of one tiny stupid misunderstanding? You know what they say about ASSUME. It made an ASS out of U and ME. Why is assuming dangerous? And why is communication important? If you can’t have a decent conversation with one another, you are not ready to enter a relationship. You cannot build your trust with your partner if you can’t communicate.

You think hiding emotions from your partner is cool? Well think again.
When she talks to a guy she thought is cute, you’d go and say, “nah, it’s okay.” Is it?
When a guy flirts with her, you’d say, “no problem.” Really?
When you can’t get her to contact you, you’d say, “doesn’t matter.” Does it?
When she’s skeptical, you’d say, “if she trusts me, she will. If she doesn’t, then that’s her problem.” How can she trust you if you don’t explain to her?

Communication, in terms of relationship, is not the same as talking. There’s a big difference. It’s not like talking about your shirt or your favorite TV shows.

I loved a guy once. Come to think about it, I think in four years we’re together, he had never once opened up to me. Sure, I knew he’s jealous whenever I thought a guy was cute, but he showed me through his endless sarcastic remarks. The only emotion I got from him was his affection. You think that’s enough? Hell no.

Relationship, it’s more than one sentiment. Joy, woe, hatred, jealousy, anger, pride.. It’s not just love.

Is showing your emotions to someone you love really that humiliating?

Thus the saying – it’s better to lose your pride for someone you love than to lose someone you love for your pride.

I want you to be happy. Hell, I’m busting my ass to be your tour guide here!
But the question is, do you?

Friday, July 02, 2010

Topsy-turvy world.

Good authors too who once knew better words,
now only use four-letter words writing prose..

Anything Goes.

I've been thinking about words that begin with letter A.



Why do you always dream of something that you can never get,
when something that's clearly much better is placed in front of you?

But then, why is a raven's like a writing desk?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Sometimes, reality is fucked-up. It's just what it is.
No matter how fast you run and duck, trying to dodge every sick drama bullet,
it will always find a way to hit you in the back.
Eventually, you will succumb to the pain,
while suffer the fatigue that is uncalled for.

Then you realize that
you're actually asking,

If this is how it's going to end, why do I bother to run in the first place?

That's when you find yourself,
Back to square one.

Reality is fucked-up.