Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Aaron Yan.

i took a quiz from Quizilla, about fahrenheit. and i found out that i am most compatible with aaron.. the texts on this picture says:

although he seems cold at first, this cute guy will warm your heart with his musical talents and adorable smile, just make sure you warm up to him, and he will do the same for you.

i take the quiz seriously.. i know, i'm stupid. but when it comes to aaron, i'm willing to be stupid.. (i am not so smart either. hahaa)


Ladies Period Caution

It has been a traditional theory that ladies are not suppose to wash their hair during their period.
But there are no solutions to the question why?

The victim will only realise at their later stage of their life, facing the symptoms of breast and ovary cancer.

Today ladies still wash their hair during their period with the thinking that they will be safe if they blow dry their hair. But this will not prevent them from getting the cancer. Please read the article below:

A well known Taiwanese medical professor specialise in cancer research based in a Japanese university did a survey on 30,000 pre cancer patients.

She found these patients are very choosy in their food, wash their hair during their period and carry heavy object and drink cold drinks. This will course the incomplete of ovulation and the remaining menses will turn into toxic and the imbalance of hormone will lead to ovary and breast cancer.

During the research she found the method of prevention to these cancer.
The secrets are;
1. One must change their lifestyle and eating habits.
2. Do not wash our hair while having period, do not wash your hair just for the cooling effect and contraction of ovary.
3. Excessive bleeding must be investigated by a gynae.
4. No cold drinks.

If you feel drowsy, breast expansion and constipation these are the early symptom of ovary or breast cancer.
To prevent, use:
1. Black sugar
2. Chinese lotus (leng ngau)
3. Carrot and
4. BarleyBoil to soup and drink.

This is the best prevention.

P/s : Guys...please share this mesage with your wife & lady friends....


this email was sent to me. and i trust it. because... because of the TAIWANESE professor hahaha.

Taiwan, My Wonderland.

Pre-20th-Century History

Little archaeological evidence remains from Taiwan's early history. People - probably from Austronesia (though there is serious speculation that Taiwan is the origin of all Austronesian peoples) - are thought to have inhabited the island since 10,000 BC with migration from China occurring much later in the 15th century. In 1517 Portuguese sailors reached Taiwan and named it Ilha Formosa (Beautiful Island). The Dutch invaded in 1624 and built a capital at Tainan - two years later they lost the island to a Spanish invasion but returned the favour by booting the Spanish out in 1641. During the 1660s the Ming and Manchu (Qing) dynasties arrived on the scene, kicking out the Dutch and wrestling one another for control of the island. The Manchus eventually won, making Taiwan a county of Fujian province and triggering a flood of Chinese immigration. At the end of the 19th century, the Japanese decided to weigh in as well: Taiwan was ceded to them in 1895 following China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War. The Japanese quashed a republican rebellion organised by the local Chinese population and went on to establish a military base on the island and to promote education and economic development. After Japan's defeat at the end of WWII, Taiwan was handed back to China.

Modern History

When Communist forces took control of China in 1949, the president, General Chiang Kai-shek and his Nationalist Party, the Kuomintang (KMT), fled to Taiwan to plan their reconquest of the mainland. One and a half million Chinese also left the mainland for Taiwan when Mao took control. In 1971 the KMT lost the Chinese United Nations seat and in 1979 the USA withdrew its recognition of the Republic.

When Chiang Kai-shek died in 1975 and was replaced by his son Chiang Ching-kuo, Taiwanese started muttering the word 'dynasty', and criticism of the one-party system rose. In 1986, with martial law in force, Taiwan's first opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), formed and was elected into the legislature. Two years later Chiang Ching-kuo died and was replaced by the first native-born president, Lee Teng-hui.

In 1995 relations between the two Chinas, always chilly, plummetted to a new low. Lee Teng-hui's high-profile visit to the United States brought mainland China out in a rash of nervous jealousy. Determined to isolate Taiwan and sway the minds of its voters, China held intense military exercises near the Taiwanese coast. In response, the United States sent warships to monitor the situation. Despite the region's sudden high concentration of itchy trigger fingers, the first direct presidential election was held without incident, and Lee Teng-hui was returned to office.

Taiwan's fortunes took a turn for the worse in September 1999 when a massive earthquake hit the island, the largest in its history, leaving over 2000 islanders dead and a rubble-strewn country. Even in this time of crisis, however, the snippy relationship between mainland China and Taiwan continued. A defiantly sulky China demanded that any country entering Taiwan to offer earthquake relief get permission from the Chinese government first: a demand that was met with less-than-hearty agreement from humanitarian organisations and other countries around the world.

Recent History

In March 2000, Taiwan elected as its president Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party, which believes in a formal declaration of independence for the island. This ended 54 years of Nationalist rule and alarmed China, which demanded a firm commitment to the 'One China principle'.

Reelected by the narrowest of margins in 2004, Chen's second term as ROC president has been marked by scandals involving family members and island-wide protests that have widely gridlocked the government. If he's not impeached beforehand, Chen's constitutionally barred from seeking a third term in 2008.

The question of Taiwan's future vis-à-vis China looms large. While political leaders from one side creep slowly towards codifying the island's de facto independence (renaming state-run departments and buildings to include the word 'Taiwan' rather than 'China', and removing Chiang Kai-shek statues from public spaces), those from the other camp have been making highly publicised pilgrimages to the mainland in order to create a framework for eventual unification. In the middle stand those who'd prefer to keep the status quo, neither admitting nor denying either Taiwan's independence from, or inclusion within, the greater Chinese nation. If and how the situation will be resolved in the coming years is anyone's guess.

source: here

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hu Ge - Tian Liang Yi Hou Lyric.

After The Dawn Break - Hu Ge
Fairy From Wonderland / Tian Wei Fei Xian OST

Maybe we cannot reach the bridge in front of the hotel
No reason for smiling as it is just a suffering
Trying to stop the time. After the dawn breaks, we wont be able to see each other anymore
I cannot accompany you until we are old
I dont know if there is anyone who can let you depend on like me
I just hope that you will remember my good deeds
After the dawn breaks, I cannot hold your hand anymore
After the dawn breaks, I shall slowly leave your dream
Dont even dare to say goodbye. Don’t even know how to do it
After the dawn breaks, what reason should I use to make you stay
After the dawn breaks, what left behind is just loneliness
Dont worry, I will endure all the sufferings
I suppose I can hug you forever
Im proud of loving you, and it is so good
Hoping for your hug, but maybe the chance is too small
With the tears flowing, I smile bitterly. How can I escape
Empty dream is what to describe us from now on
Holding hand tightly so as not to see the end of our goodbye

its a good song from Hu Ge. unfortunately, i cant find its mp3 anywhere. anyone? anyone?? sad song..... and nice. gonna break down and cry........ why? because it connects to my real 'love' life bhh. after exam, cannot bug him anymore. gonna miss his smile.. he said i could go to OGDC and meet him in the afternoon, but i dont think its nice.. this is really my last good bye.. byebye my LOVE hahaa.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Abused Acronyms

I stumbled on FOAF’s website which provides its readers FUAs.. and ohh my gosh.. It really did provide lots of ACRONYMS used nowadays.. I was like, WTF??!! Who really use these BS in IRL?? What are schools for if they use these craps? For God sake people, learn how to spell correctly. It has been a PITA for a long time seeing our youth abusing acronyms. In my POV, if you don’t use it, it won’t perceive you as a newbie; on the contrary, it would help you to not be seen as a gullible. DUCWIM? I know some of people will say DIAFYO, GTFOOMF, or MYOB, but you know what, IDGAD! What do you want to do to me, condemn me? AIIC! If you still cannot be au fait with my points, then I will have to say, GASP! GTFOOMF! Now, I used some of the acronyms. Did you get the drift how stupid it was?? could you envisage how hard it is to converse with people who uses this crap?? IITYWTMWYBMAD? Got my point?? Okay.. those acronym stands for: (IIRIC)

FOAF Friend of a Friend
FUA Frequently Used Acronyms
WTF What the F*?
BS Bulls*
IRL In Real Life
PITA Pain In The Ass
POV Point of View
DUCWIM Do You See What I Mean?
DIAFYO Did I Ask For Your Opinion
GTFOOMF Get the F* Out of My Face
MYOB Mind Your Own Business
IDGAD I Don't Give a Damn
AIIC As If I Care
GASP Go Away, Silly Person!
IITYWTMWYBMAD If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me A Drink?
IIRC If I Remember Correctly

They Have Potential

Rainie Yang
Hebe Tian
Ella Chen
Barbie Hsu
Ariel Lin

Angela Zhang

Gui Gui

Chen Qiao En

Vivian Hsu

Alexander The Great atau Iskandar Agung

Iskandar Zulkarnain dikenali sebagai raja dan penakluk yang tiada tolak bandingnya. Di kalangan umat Islam, beliau dikenali sebagai Iskandar Agung. Manakala dalam masyarakat Barat, beliau dipanggil Alexander The Great. Namun, perbezaan nama itu menimbulkan persoalan yakni adakah kedua-dua nama itu orang yang sama ataupun tokoh yang berbeza. Persoalan ini masih belum terjawab. Di kalangan ulama dan para sarjana, mereka berbeza pendapat mengenai perkara ini kerana terdapat beberapa perbezaan dan ketidakselarasan cerita mengenai Iskandar Zulkarnain mengikut versi Islam dan barat.Namun begitu A. Yusuf Ali, salah seorang ulama yang terlibat dalam menterjemah dan mentaksirkan al-Quran ke dalam bahasa Inggeris, menyimpulkan bahawa Iskandar Zulkarnain yang disebut dalam Quran dan sejarah Islam sama dengan Alexander The Great di barat. Perbezaan nama itu timbul kerana Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain menguasai empayar yang luas melangkaui dari benua Eropah sampai ke Timur Jauh. Beliau memerintah dua kerajaan dunia iaitu Timur dan Barat. Iskandar Zulkarnain pernah memimpin bala tentera ke Parsi, India, Bulchistan, dan Asia Tenggara. Malahan pernah belayar mengelilingi Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dan singgah di kota Medang Kamulan timur yang terletak di Kelantan.Di Medang, Iskandar Zulkarnain merancang untuk menguasai seluruh Kepulauan Melayu. Menurut catatan sejarah, Iskandar Zulkarnain berada Pulau Jawa selama 20 tahun untuk tujuan berdakwah. Setelah itu, beliau memimpin angkatan tenteranya menuju ke China. Kedatangannya mendapat tentangan yang hebat daripada Maharaja China. Tetapi bala tentera Iskandar Zulkarnain terlalu kuat dan akhirnya tentera China menyerah kalah.Maharaja China terpaksa menyerahkan bahagian timur Wilayah Shensi kepada Iskandar Zulkarnain. Beliau telah melantik seorang gabenor dan menamakan wilayah itu ‘Shang’ iaitu dari sebutan Cina ‘Yaksan’, nama asal Iskandar Zulkarnain. Selepas berjaya menguasai sebahagian wilayah Shang, China, Iskandar Zulkarnain meneruskan misi penaklukan ke negara Korea sebelum menyeberang ke Kepulauan Jepun. Dengan itu, tercapailah hasrat Iskandar Zulkarnain untuk sampai ke negara matahari terbit iaitu tempat yang paling hujung di sebelah timur.Di setiap negara yang ditaklukinya, Iskandar Zulkarnain telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menyebarkan agama Nabi Ibrahim. Hampir tiga perempat dan penjuru dunia telah dijejaki oleh Iskandar Zulkarnain. Perihal ini ada disebut dalam al-Quran bahawa Iskandar Zulkarnain telah sampai ke negara matahari jatuh iaitu Norway dan terbit yakni Jepun. Sebab itulah beliau digelar “Zulkarnain” yang dalam bahasa Arab membawa pengertian “yang mempunyai dua tanduk”. Dua tanduk itu merujuk kepada dunia barat dan timur. Iskandar Zulkarnain dipercayai hidup lebih 3500 tahun yang lalu.Mengikut kitab Sulalatus Salatin, raja-raja Melayu merupakan keturunan Iskandar Zulkarnain. Ramai pengkaji sejarah meragui hubungan tersebut dan menyifatkannya sebagai percubaan penulis kitab itu untuk mengangkat martabat dan menunjukkan kehebatan serta kemuliaan raja-raja pada zaman dahulu. Sesetengah pula yang menyifatkannya sebagai mitos yang sengaja diadakan. Begitu juga legenda mengenai Iskandar Zulkarnain sengaja diperbesar-besarkan.Mengikut legenda barat, Raja Iskandar Agung pernah membina tembok gerbang besi bagi menyekat Yakjuj dan Makjuj yang lari ke sebuah gunung. Tujuannya ialah untuk mengelakkan kedua-dua makhluk ini daripada membuat onar dan mencetuskan huru-hara. Gerbang besi ini kononnya pernah ditemui oleh seorang pengembara China pada kurun ke-7 Masihi. Pengembara yang bernama Hiouen Tsiang menjumpai gerbang itu ketika dalam perjalanannya ke India. Beliau hanya menemui dua daun pintu yang diperbuat daripada besi dan digantung dengan loceng-loceng. Pintu gerbangnya sudah tidak wujud lagi. Keadaan ini mungkin disebabkan gerbang besi itu telah dirobohkan oleh orang-orang Monggol yang keluar menjelajah ke barat. Tembok gerbang besi itu dipercayai terletak di sebuah daerah yang bernama Hissar iaitu lebih kurang 150 batu dari Bukhara.Kisah Iskandar Zulkarnain turut disebut secara tidak langsung dalam kitab Injil. Iskandar Agung atau Alexander The Great dibayangkan sebagai seorang raja yang gagah perkasa dan memerintah jajahan yang besar. Namun empayar jajahannya musnah selepas kematiannya. Josephus, seorang ilmuwan yang berbangsa Yahudi-Palestin yang hidup hampir sezaman dengan Nabi Isa a.s. pernah menulis secara panjang lebar mengenai lawatan Iskandar Zulkarnain ke Juruselam dan Baitul Mukaddis yang menjadi kota suci kepada orang-orang Yahudi, Nasrani, dan Islam.Baitul Mukaddis pernah diperintah oleh Nabi Sulaiman dan Nabi Daud. Selepas kewafatan kedua-dua nabi tersebut, orang Yahudi berbalah sesama sendiri dan menyebabkan kota itu jatuh ke tangan Iskandar Zulkarnain. Selepas Iskandar Zulkarnain meninggal dunia, Baitul Mukaddis jatuh pula ke tangan beberapa kuasa seperti Rom, Parsi, dan Islam. Sehingga ke hari ini, Baitul Mukaddis masih menjadi rebutan di kalangan orang-orang Islam, Yahudi, dan Nasrani dan menyebabkan pergolakan di Palestin masih menjadi isu yang tidak kunjung selesai.Yang lebih menarik dan pelik mengenai Iskandar Zulkarnain ialah beliau dikatakan pernah berguru dengan Aristottle, anak murid Plato, ahli falsafah Yunani yang terkenal. Justeru itu, timbul persoalan apakah Aristottle merupakan seorang yang beragama Islam kerana tidak mungkin bagi Iskandar Zulkarnain yang menganut ajaran Nabi Ibrahim mempelajari sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan akidah dan kepercayaannya. Bukan sekadar itu, Iskandar Zulkarnain juga dikatakan memperturunkan zuriatnya di Asia Tenggara, India, dan Parsi. Di antaranya ialah “Bharata” yang lahir di Pulau Jawa. Daripada “Bharata” pula lahir Anushirwan yang menjadi Raja Parsi dan turun kaum Pandawa serta Kaurawa dalam abad pertama Masihi.Nampaknya terdapat usaha daripada pelbagai bangsa dan kaum untuk menghubungkan keturunannya dengan Iskandar Zulkarnain. Jadi sudah tentu Iskandar Zulkarnain merupakan seorang tokoh dunia yang begitu hebat sehingga namanya disebut hampir dalam kebanyakan peradaban besar dan utama dunia. Setiap bangsa dan peradaban mempunyai panggilan yang tersendiri terhadap Iskandar Zulkarnain. Mereka cuba menampilkan sifat-sifat Iskandar Zulkarnain mengikut acuan serta nilai masyarakatnya. Oleh hal yang demikian, bukan suatu perkara yang menghairankan kalau Iskandar Zulkarnain mempunyai nama dan panggilan yang lain selain daripada Iskandar Agung dan Alexander The Great. Hal ini kerana pada hakikatnya kedua-duanya merupakan orang dan tokoh yang sama.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lethal Questions.

The paper today was awfully hard.. I don’t know what answer would be the best for the question. I’ve never seen it before.. I mean, there’s no question like this, or at least similar.. one of the questions is, “pada zaman Rasulullah, hanya baginda yang memegang kuatkuasa undang-undang. Bincangkan.” What is the answer??? Gosh, I only manage to answer 3 questions without doubt… dasar2x perundangan, qiyas, and hadith… and I didn’t expect that ahli ra’yu and ahli hijaz would be chosen to be this year’s question... ohhhhhh.. I am so dead! Dead dead DEADDDD!

Monday, October 20, 2008

True Love.

Ada sorang lelaki buta. Semua orang bencikan dia, kecuali kekasihnya. Lelaki itu selalu berkata, “Saya akan mengahwini awak di saat saya boleh melihat.” Suatu hari, ada orang dermakan mata kepada lelaki itu. Akhirnya dapat juga lelaki itu melihat. Dengan segera, dia pergi menemui kekasihnya. Tetapi, bila dia melihat kekasihnya, dia merasa sungguh terkejut kerana kekasihnya juga buta.

Kekasihnya bertanya, “Sudikah awak berkahwin dengan saya sekarang?” Tanpa sebarang alasan, lelaki itu menolak. Kekasihnya tersenyum dan berlalu pergi sambil berkata. “Tolong jaga mata saya baik-baik…”

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ban Qing Ge / Half Of A Love Song Lyric

半情歌 - 元若藍

花 接受凋零
風 接受追尋



你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的


你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的

Half Of A Love Song
Shorty Yuen / Yuan Ruo Lan
Fated To Love You OST

Flower accepts withering
Wind accepts searching
There are still some alright injuries in the heart
I accept your decision

Who will hold you tight
What song will you sing to make her happy
I wonder when the sky will turn sunny
Earth never stops for anyone

How happy your are tomorrow has nothing to do with me
Our love is a song half sung
Time changes the habit
Heals the wound
And cancels my qualification to think of you

Your blessing is half sweet, half bitter
Like the cold cocoa in my hand
The most, most regretful is always the unfinished
The song I could only sing half

Whether I'm happy tomorrow only concerns me
Our love is a song half sung
Time changes the habit
Heals the wound
And cancels my qualification to think of you

Your blessing is half sweet, half bitter
Like the cold cocoa in my hand
The most, most regretful is always the unfinished
Other half of the song

this song touched me, really. sad uo.. dont know why.. the MV also sad.. xin yi got hit by a car to protect her baby. very touching.. how a mama would do anything to save their baby.. aiyoo.. make me cry..

Syariah Paper 1

The exam today was very difficult. The questions are out of my expectation. Even though I have predicted the topics, and my prediction was 75% true, but the questions were really hard.. I read the hukum, erti and masalah only. I didn’t read syarat and hikmah part. The most frustrating is about riba.. I didn’t read the syarat part so antam lah.. then I checked, totally salah.. paper two. I have to do well in paper two…. dont care about malay lah.. i need to get syariah. my uncle, a very respected and powerful uncle told me to score on syariah. he's an imam in Mulaut.. when he open his mouth, no one in our family dare to say no. he's already disappointed in me bcus i didnt choose Usuluddin.. i dont want him to be disappointed again.. Wish Me Luck!!!!

Confidence is essential before exam.

I went to the hospital a day before I sit for my exam because I suffered from nauseous, headache, loss of appetite, cannot sleep... And doctor said I should relax a bit. He asked me some questions and it lifted up my confidence, sikitt. I think I have an issue.. lack of confidence.. you know.. having the thought of you carry everyone’s dream, hopes, lots of high expectation, its scary.. in my mind, I am the only daughter and the eldest, I need make my mum proud... I don’t want to disappoint her.. that is probably a reason why I’m so stressed… I told the doctor that I don’t need drug.. I want to overcome this problem myself.. I think this problem is called panic disorder.. I’m not sure.. my grandma said, I’m ‘be-uri’.. got from my mum.. she has a post-natal bruise.. be-uri. Sounds like I’m old already.. this has happened to me before. Last two years when I sit for my o-level.. but at that time, I got this ‘friend’, who always help me to boost my confidence level.. now he’s gone and I have no one to talk to… luckily, this new friend of mine help me to reduce my stress.. thanks to areef. You’re my mate! Now I think I need to see a counselor. I need help~~

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Favorite Dramas


mike he and rynie yang


ariel lin and joe cheng.

Legend of Star Apple. (YYY)

ming dao and zhang xin yu

also my favorite.. WHY WHY LOVE (YYYYY)

rynie yang and mike he.

absolute favorite.. FAHRENHEIT!! (YYYYYYY)



hanazakarino kimitachihe (YYYYY)

ella SHE, Wu Zhun, Jiro Wang.


mike he and ariel lin

vic zhou and barbie hsu

prince turns to frog (YYYY)
ming dao and chen qiao en

marmalade boy
stella and ken zhu

meteor garden
barbie hsu and f4

sequel for MG, Meteor Garden 2.

Love storm
vivian hsu, vic zhou and ken zhu

these are my favorite dramas. i spent my money on these DVDs.. many lehh.. there's more, but i'm tired already.. hehehee..

Fated To Love You

Fated To Love You (traditional Chinese: 命中注定我愛你), also known as Sticky Note Girl or Destiny Love, Destined To Love You, You'Re My Destiny.
is a romantic comedy Taiwanese Drama starring Chen Qiao En and Ethan Ruan.

Synopsis: A really unfashionable working class girl Chen Xin Yi has the desire to tie down her handsome boyfriend to be with her. Due to certain reasons, her boyfriend gets her to go on a love cruise and she started to ponder on how to lose her virginity and tie down her boyfriend. Xin Yi ended up taking cold medicine which made her drowsy and went into Ji Cun Xi's room. Cun Xi is the sole male heir to his family's company and has been in love with his girlfriend, Anna, for a long time. He planned to propose to Anna on the boat but she didn't turn up on the cruise. An island owner added drugs into Cun Xi's drink and Cun Xi became disorientated and returned to his own room. Xin Yi and Cun Xi end up having a one night stand. Xin Yi later finds out that she's pregnant and Cun Xi's grandmother forces them to get married. Will a couple forced to marry for the sake of their unborn child find love with each other?

Ethan Ruan – Ji Cun Xi
Chen Qiao En – Chen Xin Yi / Elaine
Baron Chen – Dylan
Bianca Bai - Anna

Chen Xin Yi, an unfashionable innocent girl whose life ruined by Cun xi.

elaine, new chen xin yi who broke her promise to Dylan about letting go her past.

Dylan who never tired of supporting Xin Yi.

Dylan hugs Elaine, and ask her to be his girlfriend. his lips are cute..

Ji Cun Xi, a fool who does not know how to appreaciate xin yi.

anna, the one cun xi proud of.

before she got hit by a car and lose her baby.


I’ve finished watching this drama… and I’m not satisfied with the ending.. Dylan is the one who deserves xin yi’s love, bu shi ma?? He was always there for xin yi.. he helped chen xin yi regain her confidence, he brought xin yi to Shanghai to rebuild her life. he helped chen xin yi in everything.. he IS her bestfriend…. When he fell in love with xin yi after two years, and xin yi is willing to open her heart for Dylan, all of the sudden, cun xi appeared between them.. I know xin yi cannot forget him, but what the heck.. Dylan is capable of helping the devastated xin yi back to her life and he should be able to make her forget cun xi. I know cun xi is also felt sad when xin yi lost their baby. But it’s AFTER they LOSE Ji Nian Pin. Dylan appreciates xin yi, treat her well before she marry cun xi. Cun xi realizes his feelings towards xin yi when its too late. He used to hurt xin yi by showing off his relationship with Anna. When xin yi carries his baby inside her, cun xi always find a way to hurt her feeling. I know he didn’t mean to actually, but he always emphasize her love towards anna, breaking xin yi’s heart. He should not do that because xin yi is the mother of their baby. He even force xin yi to sign a contract saying that as soon as their baby’s born, he and xin yi will divorce right away and he also want xin yi not to love him, or else the contract will commence at once. Xin yi did everything in her power to avoid cun xi from getting hurt, but he ignored her. She never did anything for Dylan, but Dylan helped her without asking for returns. If its not true love, then what’s that? this drama is just OK lah.. The producer should rewrite the drama.. reconstruct the plot, make it more realistic…..

Saturday, October 11, 2008


BRUNEI-BORN Taiwanese superstar Wu Chun will be returning to Brunei on Thursday to conduct promotional activities for his new movie Butterfly Lovers, which premiered in Brunei at the Mall Cineplex in Gadong yesterday.

The showing of the $3.8 million production will mark a historical moment as Bruneians will be watching one of their own talents on the big screen for the first time.

His co-star of the movie, Hong Kong actress and singer Charlene Choi, was also scheduled to arrive in Brunei on Thursday.

This charity movie event will be held from October 9-29 and is organised by GreenCity Concept Sdn Bhd.

By courtesy of The Mall Cineplex, one dollar from each ticket bought for the movie will be contributed to Smarter Brunei, a centre for autistic children.

The charitable event will also see air-ticket sponsors from Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA) and the Empire Hotel and Country Club, who will be sponsoring the accommodation.

Butterfly Lovers is a movie based on a well-known Chinese love story of Liang San Por and Zhu Ing Tai. Martial arts elements have been added in the tragic love story in this movie version of the tale.

The movie is directed by Ma Chor Shing, a well-known director in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, whose signature creations include City of the Glass, Summer Holiday, Para Para Sakura, Silver Hawk and many more.

Martial arts director for the movie, Cheng Siew Tung applauded the efforts, commitment and professionalism that was shown by Wu Chun in the movie.

The martial arts director said that Wu Chun acted in most of the action scenes and in a brave gesture, predicted that the actor will be the next action star.

According to Director Ma Chor Shing, Wu Chun, whose real name is Goh Kiat Chun, had an impressive willing-to-learn attitude and his friendliness and diligence was also appreciated by his movie co-star, Charlene Choi, otherwise known as Ah Sa from the group Twins.

Wu Chun made it into the international scene after singing in a Taiwanese group called Fahrenheit. After making his international debut three years ago, his career in the entertainment world was further enhanced after appearing in numerous TV sitcoms in Taiwan.

Wu Chun is also the owner of Fitness Zone at The Mall and Kiulap, and recently won the most promising young entrepreneur award at a ceremony held in the capital.

When he returns to Brunei, the singer-actor will be conducting a "meet the fans" session for local movie-goers.

It is also hoped that co-star Charlene Choi and director Ma Chor Shing will be able to come to Brunei to further help promote the movie and attend the "meet the fans" session.

Those interested in meeting Wu Chun are advised to keep their ticket stubs for this session, which will be held at the Empire Amphitheatre on
October 16.


He’s back in Brunei.. I cannot go there because I have to study.. my big big important exam starts on 18th.i have to sit for this exam because it will determine my future. This is so frustrating! Why is this happening to me? Even if I stay at home studying, think I could concentrate? I’ve waited long enough to meet him. Pity me..

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Thank God..

Mengapa Khinzir Haram

Sejarah Tragedi Penyakit Bawaan Khinzir Pada tahun 1918 virus Influenza telah membunuh lebih daripada 20 juta manusia di seluruh dunia. Dan ada juga yang menganggarkan lebih 40 juta yang menjadi mangsa. Antara sebabnya apabila dibuat kajian ialah kuman-kuman ini sebenarnya datang dari babi-babi di Amerika, yang menjangkiti tentera-tentera Amerika pada Perang Dunia I. Dan tentera-tentera ini seterusnya membawa wabak ini ke merata tempat di pelbagai negara di seluruh dunia.

Dikatakan jumlah kematian berlaku dalam tempoh yang singkat dan wabak ini pada ketika itu adalah antara wabak yang membawa kematian yang cukup besar jika dibandingkan dengan lain-lain wabak penyakit moden pada masa itu. Dan setelah dibuat kajian terperinci, ternyata punca wabak ini adalah daripada kuman virus yang datangnya daripada babi. (source: The Civil Aboliotionist, New Pig Virus Capable of Infecting Human, New York, 1998 )

Pada tahun 1957 satu wabak yang dinamakan sebagai Asian Flu dan juga wabak yang menyerang Hong Kong pada tahun 1968 adalah berkemungkinan berpunca daripada binatang ternakan, sebelum ianya menjangkiti babi. Di dalama babi pula, virus ini berubah kepada bentuk yang lebih berbahaya, sebelum ianya menjangkiti manusia. wabak-wabak ini telah meragut nyawa lebih 2 juta orang. (source: Sun 26 Mac 2000, The 1918 Flu Pandemic: What Have We Learned From This? pg 1) < Betul ke virus boleh berubah dalam bentuk yang lebih bahaya di dalam khinzir?

Jawapan kepada soalan ini telah dijawab oleh Alex Fano, pengarang sebuah buku terkenal Lethal Laws - Animal Testing, Human Health and Environmental Policy. Beliau juga adalah Pengarah Medical Research Modernisation Committee. Di dalam buku tersebut, beliau telah mengesahkan, kuman-kuman virus daripada babi ini mampu berubah dan menjadi lebih berbahaya atau mutations, daripada semasa ke semasa.

Manakala di sekitar tahun 50an pula, kita dikejutkan dengan cacing trichina daripada babi yang menjadi penyebab kepada penyakit trichinusis. Tidak ada ubat yang boleh mennyembuhkannya pada ketika itu. Dan oleh kerana itu, satu amaran telah dikeluarkan di Amerika tentang bahaya memakan daging babi. Amaran tersebut telah dikeluarkan di Washington Post bertarikh 31 Mei 1952 dan dikeluarkan oleh Dr. Glen Shepard. [Source : Washington Post , 31 Mei 1952 ]

Virus-Virus Daripada Khinzir

Ternyata amaran yang dikeluarkan daripada firman Allah telah mula dapat disyukuri oleh mereka-mereka yang beriman dan mentaati perintahNya. Pelbagai kajian mula dibuat secara lebih terperinci.

Di dalam Journal of Virology 1997, dilaporkan kajian yang dilakukan oleh 12 orang pakar-pakar sains yang diketuai oleh Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, dari Universiti Wisconsin. Pertemuan mereka jelas menunjukkan, pada kerongkong babi ada sel-sel tertentu yang mampu mengubah pelbagai kuman virus kepada bentuk yang berbahaya kepada manusia. Saintis- saintis menganggap babi sebagai mixing vessel atau 'tempat pelbagai kuman dikumpulkan untuk diubah kepada bentuk yang berbahaya'. [source: The Detroit News, Scientists Discover the Infection Route Between Bird Virus and Pigs, Robert Cooke, Okt 20,1997]

Di dalam BBC News pula, pada 29 Oktober 1999, telah memfokuskan penemuan para saintis yang menunjukkan, virus babi menjadi punca berlakunya wabak-wabak yang paling teruk di dalam sejarah dunia perubatan moden pada tahun 1918. Saintis-saintis mendapati wabak-wabak yang menyerang Hong Kong pada tahun 1968 juga berpunca daripada virus babi.

Mengikut kajian itu juga, virus binatang yang biasanya tak menjangkiti manusia bertukar menjadi kuman yang berbahaya yang menjangkiti manusia, selepas memasuki sel-sel di dalam babi ini. Penemuan ini mampi memberi jawapan kepada punca empat wabak penyakit demam selsema flu yang menyerang dan membunuh jutaan manusia pada abad ke 20.

Penyakit-penyakit ini bermula dengan serangan Spanish flu pada 1918, diikuti Asian flu pada tahun 1957 dan Hong Kong flu pada 1968 dan Russian flu pada 1977. Kajian-kajian oleh saintis ini menunjukkan kuman-kuman pembunuh ini dikeluarkan oleh babi sebelum menjangkiti manusia sejagat, terutamanya pada tahun 1918.

Menurut Dr. Virginia Hinshaw pula, Dekan di Graduate School University Wisconsin-Madison, virus sentiasa berubah kepada bentuk lain dan babi merupakan suatu takungan yang mampu mengubah virus flu kepada bentuk yang lain dan sistem pertahanan manusia tidak mampu untuk menangkis daripada serangan-serangan ini.

Pada bulan November 1997 pula, Dr. Robinson Weiss daripada Chester Beatty Laboratory, London mengesahkan kewujudan virus PERVS di dalam babi dan ini menyebabkan Kerajaan British mengharamkan kesemua aktiviti pembedahan pemindahan alat/organ daripada babi kepada manusia.

Sebelum itu pada bulan Ogos 1997 pula, saintis-saintis dari Australia telah menemui satu lagi virus dari binatang ini. Ia amat bahaya kepada manusia dan belum pernah ditemui dan dikenali sebagai virus menangle daripada kumpulan paramyxovirus.

I will miss you.

last day school. last kahh.. when will we meet again. i will miss you guys.. seriously...

saye dengan kenet, dengan hadi, dengan VJ, dengan saiful, dengan nordin.

syimahhhh sayangku ne.. kaka kuuu. good galzz.

i love you bebehhh. from left: fizah, mizah, siti, me and hasyimahhh.

ziyahhh cute eh. btw, from this picc, you can easily spot which of them are soldiers. there are two soldiers here, guessssss it. they are serious, their poses are exactly the same.

beusai sebelum jerayawara. ngam ka ejaanku tu?
marah siti ku menggambar. hahaha..

little Kenet.

8 OCTOBER 2008 !!

Congratulations to you, my old friend,
Birthday wishes to you, I do send.
You look good for your age,
I could say,
But you look good to me any day.
When I look in the mirror,
I sigh,'
Cause I know the mirror doesn't lie.
You're aging like me,
so you surely can see
That you're getting to be an old guy.
Happy Birthday To Ruzaini Bin Mahadi.

We share secrets, we laugh and even cry,
We have so much in common,
Concerns, likes and dislikes.
Ours is a relationship joined by
Tender velvet chains that link our
similar dreams of life and love.
A gentle intuition guides us in our
individual struggles to succeed
at the things we pursue, to stand
out from the crowd.
In you I have found so much of myself,
Including many of the same
Insecurities and philosophies.
Complete inner-peace and happiness,
These are the things I wish for you,
in the present and in the future
because you are my kindred spirit.

happy birthday to RUZAINI BIN MAHADI.

we've been bestfriends for seven years now. i know you and you know me. i wish for your success in everything you do and DO NOT FORGET ME ON PAYDAYS. blanja~~ askar dahh, jgntah skulah bah lagi. haha. nyusahkan saja.. kraja ja baik2x.. aku doakan ko lakas2x kana naikkn pangkat. lapas A-Level ne, mudahan jua jadi ssjn tarus hahaha. kpala gajinya bh lawaaa.. $$$$$.. you are no longer KENET.. already big bhh. tapi ko tetap KENET dihatiku smpai bila2x.. hahaha..


p/s: jgn lupa lanja ahh.. and and plan for after exam, makesure JADI!!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

understand me well before you talk about me.

get to know me better. these are so true. i've highlighted the points that need to be remembered about me.

Aries are noted for courage and leadership qualities, primarily because you are nearly always ready for action. The need for excitement pushes you into new territory -- and as long as you are ahead of others while demonstrating confidence, chances are that they will follow you. As self-ordained leader of the pack, Aries fight for what they believe to be important. But it's not that Aries are fearless. Your courage is more of a commitment to face your fears and overcome them.

Aries personalities are independent. Being the first of the zodiac signs, they venture out and are go-getters, often leading the way. Their upbeat and magnetic personality often entices others to follow their lead because Aries personalities bring excitement into others lives.

Aries are good friends, they always look out for their friends with caring and generosity and will protect them should the need arise and encourage them with their natural optimism. If confronted, Aries can turn to be quite childish, they will fight back with their agressive nature and are known to have temper tantrums should they not get their way.

Independence is key to Aries astrology, they do not like to take orders from others and enjoy getting their way. They can get childish or moody should they be given orders that they do not like. Aries are self-involved and can be self-centered, if they do not pay attention to the feelings of others, Aries can easily become spoiled and resented by others. In order to get their way, Aries will tell a lie if it seems advantageous to do so. They are however, not very good liars and other people can usually see through them.

Aries is the first of the zodiac signs. Aries is the sign of the self, people born under this sign strongly project their personalities onto others and can be very self-oriented. Aries tend to venture out into the world and leave impressions on others that they are exciting, vibrant and talkative. Aries tend to live adventurous lives and like to be the center of attention, but rightly so since they are natural, confident leaders. Aries are enthusiastic about their goals and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, "wanting is always better then getting" is a good way to sum it up. Aries are very impulsive and usually do not think before they act - or speak. Too often Aries will say whatever pops into their head and usually end up regretting it later!

They are never shy of apologizing, but they will be hurt if you remember the harsh words they said in anger, but didn't mean. Gossip does not interest an Aries and for her, people are either black or white, without any shades of grey. There is one thing an Aries can never fall short of, conversation. she can speak about anything & everything under the sun. she lives in the present and is a realist, yet believes in miracles. Aries chase success, not waiting for it to fall in their lap, and don't accept defeat. Failure can never keep them down.

Aries is often like the battering ram, even those quiet and shy types. Aries will barge in and make themselves a place in a crowd or in a waiting line. But those types that are fearless or even pushy in the outside world can be timid in their personal lives. The Aries who is a battering ram in career will often be a gentle lamb at home

Dating an Aries never lacks excitement. She is hot-blooded, and forceful. The Aries woman is for the person who likes an independent self-driven woman who can fend for herself and is not clingy and needy. An Aries woman requires freedom. For the Aries woman, the best part of the relationship is the beginning, then the spark is there and she is trying to catch you to be hers. She will find happiness in a long-term relationship because she enjoys sharing everything with her partner. She will not only have a romantic partner but a best friend too. She has a great need for love and passion but she will never let a man become the master, she considers her partner to be equal. Aries women are not for domineering men. She will be faithful but she expects the same in return. She can be jealous because she wants a man to give her all of his attention, "all or nothing", so her jealously is rooted in her possessiveness, she has to be number one in his eyes. She will always encourage and give strength to her partner so an Aries woman is great to have in times of despair or need, she will always be there for you. In order to have this happy ending, she needs to feel appreciated and loved.

When it comes to love; just the idea of it causes your heart to quicken. she loves to flirt and she loves the conquest but if her prey is too willing she is often bored because she really enjoy the chase as much as the conquest. Aries always love to win at everything and if the object of your desire gives up the challenge too soon it could stop the Aries fast in their tracks.


When I cry you help me out
When I'm happy you hear me shout
When I grin you know I'm really mad
because you are my best friend
You can tell when I'm sad
You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk
You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had
So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you
~ to my bestfiee. i promised to make you a poem. i know its not that good, but atleast i tried my best....... ~

Saddest Memories

She loved him
He said he liked her
She thought that they were closert
han he and his ex ever were
He told his friend stuff
she later found out wasn't true
When someone spoke to him about her
He answered with a simple 'who?'
He was all she ever wanted
She loved him so much!
All she wanted was to be with him
to talk and hold and touch
He didn't speak to her for age
sit went from days to weeks to months
And all she could do was watch him
as he sat and ate his lunch
She still loves him
Even though they may never be
But she doubts she'll ever find
someone sweeter or hotter than he!


Brunei Extreme Skateboard Competition
(26th Jul 08)
Brunei Open:
1st - Mohd Dinie Farihanali;
2nd - Mohd Shahman Farihanali;
3rd - Azri

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Assistant Director of Public Works department, Awang Chua Pheng Keong presented prizes to winners of the Brunei X-Treme Skateboard competition 2008 to mark the royal birthday celebration this year.
The prize presentation ceremony was held at Seria Oil and Gas Discovery Centre yesterday afternoon. Champion of the Belait open skateboard category was Ian Paolo I-Azusano, who won a plaque and other gifts.
In the open national category, Md Dinie Farihanali bin Johari claimed first place, receiving $400 cash prize and a plaque. Md Syahman FariHanali and Azri bin Taha won second and third places while receiving $300 and $200 cash prizes respectively.
The competition was jointly organised by OGDC and the Youth and Sports department.

-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

yes i know right~~ i'm a stalker..



mana satu si phi?

JabbaWockeeZ is a diverse male dance crew, established in 2003, created by Joe Larot, Kevin Brewer, and Phil Tayag.
The group gained fame by appearing on America's Got Talent before winning the MTV hip hop dance reality series America's Best Dance Crew on March 27, 2008. The crew has won $100,000 and a touring contract after being crowned as America's Best Dance Crew in season one. The crew is known for wearing plain white masks and gloves and performing synchronized dance moves. Their name is derived from the Lewis Carroll poem Jabberwocky (featured in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


Ben "B-Tek" Chung

Chris "Cristyles" Gatdula

Kevin "Keibee" Brewer

Rynan "Kid Rainen" Paguio

Jeff "Phi" Nguyen (MY LOVE)

Phil "Swaggerboy" Tayag

Eddie "Eddie Styles" Gutierrez

Saso "Saso Fresh" Jimenez

Randy "DJ Wish One" Bernal

Joe "Emajoenation/Punkee" Larot

Their name was inspired by Lewis Carroll’s poem, “Jabberwocky.”

“A Jabberwocky is a mystical, dragon-like creature who roams the king’s forest, and that’s what the Jabbawockeez are, mystical and free,” Paguio said.

Kendell, the eldest of the crew, passed away in 2007 from meningitis. Today, the crew attributes their success and style to him.

“We were just representing Gary,” said Nguyen of their performances on America’s Best Dance Crew.

The crew credits Kendell as their inspiration and the force that drives each member. “The Jabbawockeez are 10 members, and one is spiritual,” Paguio said. “He was the glue that really held us together in the beginning, making sure we didn’t lose sight of this unique thing we were creating.”

Members of the crew are scattered across California and Nevada, but because of their close ties to one another, they are able to intuit and work in choreography changes easily. Nguyen said they meet only a few days before a performance to practice all together.

There is no team leader; every member has a vision of the Jabbawockeez and expresses it during rehearsals. Each member taught dance classes and workshops before, so each brings a unique flair to the choreography, which is hip-hop with styles of B-boying, popping, locking and freestyling.

“We call it ‘Beat Kundo,’ an art form derived from Bruce Lee’s philosophy with movement and interceptive beats,” Paguio said.

ahh cintaku.. PHI~~

thanks to my mate, for introducing him to me. we will be married soon. KIDDING~~~ JEFF " PHI" NGUYEN

Sunday, October 05, 2008

crush crushed.

Every time I see you
I wish that you knew.
I wish I didn't have to hide
These feelings I have for you.
Every time we talk
New feelings emerge.
I wish I didn't have to pretend
That I'm OK with just being friends.
Every time we're together
I think how we should be with each other.
I wish that I could show you
The way i truly feel.
But no matter what happens
Or where we end up.
You will always be
My one and only secret love
Crumbled papers
Of poems about you
Written with words
That will never come true
Written in ink
That will never fade away
The hopeful words
I wish I could say
Hands still shaking
As I continue to write
Scribbled letters
Of black and white
Eager to tell you
How I feel
Wishing I could prove
My love is real
i love himmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

Saturday, October 04, 2008

gambar curi plus minta. ci matee.

ane nah pasalnya nda online. braya nda ingat urg..

takut ada pencuri. bagus ne mun datang braya kerumah.. jadi watchman ya dpt...
tukang jaga makanan pn ya dpt..

sembahyang duduk. bagus. ingat sembahyang jua time raya..

krajanya nyubuk api makanan urg.. takut makanan sajuk.. atau pun ya takut api luan bsar, anguskan meja sma makanan.. goodboy kann.