get to know me better. these are so true. i've highlighted the points that need to be remembered about me.
Aries are noted for courage and leadership qualities, primarily because you are nearly always ready for action. The need for excitement pushes you into new territory -- and as long as you are ahead of others while demonstrating confidence, chances are that they will follow you. As self-ordained leader of the pack, Aries fight for what they believe to be important. But it's not that Aries are fearless. Your courage is more of a commitment to face your fears and overcome them.
Aries personalities are independent. Being the first of the zodiac signs, they venture out and are go-getters, often leading the way. Their upbeat and magnetic personality often entices others to follow their lead because Aries personalities bring excitement into others lives.
Aries are good friends, they always look out for their friends with caring and generosity and will protect them should the need arise and encourage them with their natural optimism. If confronted, Aries can turn to be quite childish, they will fight back with their agressive nature and are known to have temper tantrums should they not get their way.
Independence is key to Aries astrology, they do not like to take orders from others and enjoy getting their way. They can get childish or moody should they be given orders that they do not like. Aries are self-involved and can be self-centered, if they do not pay attention to the feelings of others, Aries can easily become spoiled and resented by others. In order to get their way, Aries will tell a lie if it seems advantageous to do so. They are however, not very good liars and other people can usually see through them.
Aries is the first of the zodiac signs. Aries is the sign of the self, people born under this sign strongly project their personalities onto others and can be very self-oriented. Aries tend to venture out into the world and leave impressions on others that they are exciting, vibrant and talkative. Aries tend to live adventurous lives and like to be the center of attention, but rightly so since they are natural, confident leaders. Aries are enthusiastic about their goals and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, "wanting is always better then getting" is a good way to sum it up. Aries are very impulsive and usually do not think before they act - or speak. Too often Aries will say whatever pops into their head and usually end up regretting it later!
They are never shy of apologizing, but they will be hurt if you remember the harsh words they said in anger, but didn't mean. Gossip does not interest an Aries and for her, people are either black or white, without any shades of grey. There is one thing an Aries can never fall short of, conversation. she can speak about anything & everything under the sun. she lives in the present and is a realist, yet believes in miracles. Aries chase success, not waiting for it to fall in their lap, and don't accept defeat. Failure can never keep them down.
Aries is often like the battering ram, even those quiet and shy types. Aries will barge in and make themselves a place in a crowd or in a waiting line. But those types that are fearless or even pushy in the outside world can be timid in their personal lives. The Aries who is a battering ram in career will often be a gentle lamb at home
Dating an Aries never lacks excitement. She is hot-blooded, and forceful. The Aries woman is for the person who likes an independent self-driven woman who can fend for herself and is not clingy and needy. An Aries woman requires freedom. For the Aries woman, the best part of the relationship is the beginning, then the spark is there and she is trying to catch you to be hers. She will find happiness in a long-term relationship because she enjoys sharing everything with her partner. She will not only have a romantic partner but a best friend too. She has a great need for love and passion but she will never let a man become the master, she considers her partner to be equal. Aries women are not for domineering men. She will be faithful but she expects the same in return. She can be jealous because she wants a man to give her all of his attention, "all or nothing", so her jealously is rooted in her possessiveness, she has to be number one in his eyes. She will always encourage and give strength to her partner so an Aries woman is great to have in times of despair or need, she will always be there for you. In order to have this happy ending, she needs to feel appreciated and loved.
When it comes to love; just the idea of it causes your heart to quicken. she loves to flirt and she loves the conquest but if her prey is too willing she is often bored because she really enjoy the chase as much as the conquest. Aries always love to win at everything and if the object of your desire gives up the challenge too soon it could stop the Aries fast in their tracks.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

- Nes
- 19, Female. Loves orange, Manchester United and XBOX 360. Languages used in this blog are English, Malay and some Chinese.
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❤ ERIC NORTHMAN of Southern Vampire Mystery
❤ Alexander Johan Hjalmar SkarsgĂ„rd
❤ Generation Kill
❤ [FF] Alice in Wonderland - Tarrant x Alice pairing.
❤ Fallout 3
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(c)2005-2011 Nes Addams
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