Tuesday, July 06, 2010

All hail communication!

Love seeketh not Itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.

So sang a little Clod of Clay,
Trodden with the cattle's feet;
But a Pebble of the brook,
Warbled out these meters meet.

Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to It's delight:
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heavens despite.

The words all jumbled up. I can’t get it out of my head without looking like actually losing it.


Isn’t it stupid to throw what you feel for the last – I don’t know, days? – because of one tiny stupid misunderstanding? You know what they say about ASSUME. It made an ASS out of U and ME. Why is assuming dangerous? And why is communication important? If you can’t have a decent conversation with one another, you are not ready to enter a relationship. You cannot build your trust with your partner if you can’t communicate.

You think hiding emotions from your partner is cool? Well think again.
When she talks to a guy she thought is cute, you’d go and say, “nah, it’s okay.” Is it?
When a guy flirts with her, you’d say, “no problem.” Really?
When you can’t get her to contact you, you’d say, “doesn’t matter.” Does it?
When she’s skeptical, you’d say, “if she trusts me, she will. If she doesn’t, then that’s her problem.” How can she trust you if you don’t explain to her?

Communication, in terms of relationship, is not the same as talking. There’s a big difference. It’s not like talking about your shirt or your favorite TV shows.

I loved a guy once. Come to think about it, I think in four years we’re together, he had never once opened up to me. Sure, I knew he’s jealous whenever I thought a guy was cute, but he showed me through his endless sarcastic remarks. The only emotion I got from him was his affection. You think that’s enough? Hell no.

Relationship, it’s more than one sentiment. Joy, woe, hatred, jealousy, anger, pride.. It’s not just love.

Is showing your emotions to someone you love really that humiliating?

Thus the saying – it’s better to lose your pride for someone you love than to lose someone you love for your pride.

I want you to be happy. Hell, I’m busting my ass to be your tour guide here!
But the question is, do you?


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