Saturday, March 21, 2009

Changing and Changing.


do you like it?

but there's problems.

Wah lao!!! How come my page took like eternity to load? Why? Is it because I use too many pictures, or script, or is it because that daxmn Meta filter? Or is it because my page is tooooo cute? hahahaha. Truthfully speaking, I don’t know. I think that Meta filter scripts are cool. But then I tried viewing my page using Mozilla, the Meta filters aren't working! I also aware that my visitor column is apparently ON THE RIGHT-HANDSIDE. Oei, I coded it on the left, stupid.


Never mind. My page is cute. Got ribbons everywhere. i love my page. wohoooo... how did I do that? How did I transform my page from AVERAGE cute (yes, average. I won't say my codes, my designs, are TOTALLY ugly.) to an ASTONISHINGLY cute?

Simple answer: because I am a genius. XD

Joking. I did not write the code in just one night, okay? I spent 2 days to sketch the codes, and then make it tidy, spent hours designing the buttons and all the images, and hours webcaming with JEREMY. Fortunately, it’s expensive to call here. Otherwise Jeremy would call like, every night!

Okay, enough with the crap. I’m tired, my hands feel like no hands (if only you can understand..), and my butt became flat. I want to take some rest. BUT before I switch off my laptop (which is never going to happen because I used to leave it on all the time), I want to upload a picture. This cute creature looks like my mate. Cute! (yeah, every bizarre creatures look like him to me. cute. I love bizarre mutated creatures.)









the right one is my pet, the well-known pet in the world, mr. reefious. i just LOOOVE the eyes. cute! and if you wonder what is that creature on the left, its Bugsy. its a Guinea Pig celebrity, mind you! its real name, something with Harr lah. i forgot. but its name initiated with letter H, if i'm not mistaken. it acted in Bedtime Stories, with Adam Sandler, my imaginary husband. Mr Bugsy is mr Reefious's idol. he wanted to look like it, so he went through plastic surgery which costs $1000. i'm broke. T_T


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