Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Chats.

Okay kids.. Before we start, I want you to take a deep breath and meditate with me a moment.


Condolences to my brothers who lost their grandma… err, when was it? I forgot..

She wasn’t my grandma, technically.
I’m sorry too that I cannot be there besides my big brother during the devastating moment. If I were there, I would give him a BIG tight hug just to comfort him. I want to see him cry, actually. Teeehehehehe!

Update: just talked to him, and apparently he felt nothing about that, so kindly scratch the “BIG tight hug” part. He doesn’t need that. He’s strong. Amazingly strong! Say if it happens to me, losing my grandma would be so devastating that I would need him around – or anyone. If I were in his shoes, I would still be crying at the time speaking. Sigh.

Okay, enough with the crap. We shall proceed to my chatlogs.

These are some conversations with the mate, since last year. Kill me, yes! It’s damn funny! I want to unleash it to the world. Aiseh telampau!

Session Start: Saturday, June 21, 2008

me: if ada bni2 kcau ko, capi2, mau ko mmbagi emailmu kn?
me: krg di distribute nya emailmu...
A6: nda plg ku mauu tuu.
me: yataaa..
A6: yatahh ikt urg yg ngurat~
a6: mun rmai2 nda pyh. mun ya sorg ja. bleh lahh.
me: ahaa bnr tuu..
me: eh tpi pnah kn bni2 urat ko ramai2? xp


me: sasak jua ku kalo ko ngalah labih2..
A6: hahaa.
a6: nda jua labih2.
A6: mun labih2 "awu aku pasti ya skul chung hwa kb, salah tah ku tu tdi"
me: hahahahahaha ada g tuuuu

Session Start: Sunday, July 20, 2008

me: ahaha nkn
me: aku bgn pkul 7 lalu
a5: nkn~ apa tuuu
A6: hahahaa
A6: ouhh
me: eh take off ku ehh
me: kn jln kuu
A6: ohhh bah
A6: apa nkn kan?
me: bahbah
me: antam ko
A6: ehh
A6: aku btnyaa
A6: asteeeeeee
A6: apakn nkn?
A6: apa bnrnya ko kn type tuu? *majal


Session Start: Friday, August 15, 2008
A6: ehh hamster dpt kluar lubang pintu bawah atu? tikus dpt ah.
myzah: dapat kali ahh
myzah: hamster ani tikus jua kali ahh
me: ahah pikirnya kucing kalii


Session Start: Sunday, August 10, 2008
me: ngaleh kuu
me: ngusut ne bila naleh. damn~~
A6: ahhaha
A6. Where Amazin: jfn ngusut
A6. Where Amazin: jgn*
A6. Where Amazin: huhuuu
me: jfn!


A6: ya tnya mcm bni anak ku.
me: yata ku bsmangat mliat bapaku tuu
A6: man*
A6: mnaa*
A6: bodoh eh
me: hahahahahaahahaha
A6: fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
me: kn dluruskn, tpi slh jua


A6: mcm nda tau sala
A6: saja*
me: "bhapa ko?" "nadaa. salasala.."
A6: kimaXXXxx


when i was writing this entry, i left the mate's window open. and we didn't talk much. grrr.. sorry yaw! ko baca lah. talor. banyak lagi tu. malas ku edit. ngalih ku. and some conversations are private. hahahaha!

tani saja tau. *kirai2.

nanti lagi. bah, sayonara!


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