Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Perfect Storm

In life, we are bound to make decisions. We decide what clothes we will be wearing today, we decide what will our dinner be, and we even have to make decision in marriage. Decisions are part of our lives. Those decisions may change our life-better or worst. Yes, we are often forced to choose. The cost of our decision is still unknown yet we still have to choose. We are also bound to decide faultiness in our life. That faultiness may be fatal or the aftermath may stay in our life forever.

I give you a situation, you decide.

You are a captain of a fisherman vessel. You sailed far away from home hoping to catch more fishes. Fortunately, you managed to catch tons of fishes. Alas, your ice machine broken, you cannot store the fishes anymore longer. So you have to go back home immediately or the fish will be rotten. In order to go back home, you will have to traverse a storm – a monster storm. You have two choices:
a) Go back home, putting you and your crew’s lives at stake. If you succeed, you may be rich. In contrast, if you don’t, you and your crew will be perished for good.
b) Stay. Wait for the storm to lessen its strength. Your fishes will surely be rotten, going home without any catch, but you and your crews’ lives will be spared.

This is the situation you can see from the movie The Perfect Storm. The captain and his crews chose to bring the fishes home, whatever it takes. The Andrea Gail crews have to traverse through a 40-50 feet waves to go back home. Which I personally think isn’t a wise thing to do.
I asked several people, which of the decision would they choose, and they decide to put their lives on stake. Seriously people, what is wrong with you? What is more important to you, money or your lives? Imagine if you have mother, wives, daughters etc etc that need your care? I know very well that we need money to survive but risking your lives? Really? Is it worth it? If your loved one can choose, they would rather be died of starvation with you than to bear the misery of losing you for all their lives. Besides, you can go out to fish some other time. Your catch might be more next time. Or you can do other jobs which is safer than fishing.

For me, my life isn’t worth $2000, even $20,000. It’s priceless. I choose to stay alive. The Perfect Storm is all about decision. The best movie for a wake-up call. Strongly recommended.


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