Monday, February 16, 2009

Harun Yahya - Evolution Deceit

I may not be able to update my blog as frequent as I used to because I have borrowed a very attention-grabbing book. It is by Harun Yahya, Evolution Deceit. In my previous post, I have mentioned that I wanted to buy this book, remember? So, yeah.. I will be reading this book. Sorry but blame Amir because it’s his. I borrowed it from him. Okay. Sayonara. PACE! (waves at arip!!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Menurut Islam


Sebagaimana yang telah termaktub di dalam al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah dan disepakati oleh generasi awal umat Islam hari kebesaran bagi umat Islam yang mana disyariatkan bagi kita menyambutnya hanyalah Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha. Ini sebagaimana yang firman Allah S.W.T.:
Bagi tiap-tiap umat, Kami adakan satu syariat yang tertentu untuk mereka ikuti dan jalankan, maka janganlah ahli-ahli syariat yang lain membantahmu dalam urusan syariatmu; dan serulah (wahai Muhammad) umat manusia kepada agama Tuhanmu, kerana sesungguhnya engkau adalah berada di atas jalan yang lurus. �Val-Hajj : 67

Anas bin Malik r.a berkata: Nabi s.a.w pernah datang ke Madinah sedangkan penduduknya memiliki dua hari raya. Pada kedua-duanya mereka bermain-main (bergembira) di masa jahiliah. Lalu baginda bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah telah menggantikan kedua-duanya bagi kamu semua dengan dua hari yang lebih baik, iaitu hari raya Aidiladha dan Aidilfitri." - Hadis riwayat al-Nasaai, no: 959.

Oleh itu hendaklah umat Islam hanya membataskan diri dengan menyambut hari-hari perayaan yang diiktiraf oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Setelah berakhir zaman salafussoleh iaitu 3 kurun terbaik bagi umat Islam, pelbagai hari perayaan telah ditambah ke dalam kalendar umat Islam seperti Mawlid al-Rasul, Israk Mikraj, Maal Hijrah, Nuzul al-Qur'an dan lain-lain lagi.

Namun demikian apa yang mendukacitakan adalah umat Islam pada zaman kini telah mula merayakan hari-hari perayaan yang langsung tidak berkaitan dengan umat Islam malah ianya berasal dari budaya serta agama orang kafir seperti sambutan Tahun Baru Masehi, Hari Halloween dan juga Hari Valentine yang sedang kita perbincangkan ini. Terdapat larangan dari baginda s.a.w. untuk meniru budaya orang kafir dan bagi mereka yang meniru budaya orang kafir maka ditakuti dia akan tergolong ke dalam golongan tersebut. Sabdanya:

Barangsiapa menyerupai satu kaum, maka dia termasuk golongan mereka. - Hadis riwayat Imam Abu Dawud, hadis no: 3512.

Tambahan pula sambutan Hari Valentine ini merupakan satu upacara yang berhubung kait dengan agama Rom Kuno dan juga Kristian sebagaimana yang telah penulis paparkan sebelum ini. Justeru itu bagi mereka yang menyambut hari tersebut ditakuti dia tergolong dalam ke dua golongan tersebut sebagaimana yang telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. di atas.

Apabila seseorang itu merayakannya bermaksud untuk mengenang kembali peristiwa kematian St. Valentine maka tidak disangsikan lagi bahawa perbuatan tersebut bolehmenyebabkan pelakunya kafir. Apabila dia tidak bermaksud sedemikian dan menyambut Hari Valentine sekadar untuk bersuka-ria maka dia sebenarnya telah melakukan suatu kemungkaran yang besar kerana sambutan hari tersebut menyerupai perbuatan orang kafir.

Tambahan pula sambutan Hari Valentine ini turut diikuti dengan perbuatan-perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan syarak seperti pergaulan bebas diantara lelaki dan perempuan yang bukan muhrim, membuang masa dengan berpeleseran ke tempat-tempat yang tak tentu hala malah mencurigakan dan membazir wang dengan memberi hadiah yang mahal-mahal.

Tidak dapat dinafikan sambutan Hari Valentine ini sebenarnya membuka pintu perzinaan sedangkan Allah s.w.t. memerintahkan kita untuk menutup segala ruang yang boleh menyebabkan terjadinya perzinaan. Firman-Nya:

Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan). �V al-Israa' :32

Bersandarkan kepada hujah-hujah di atas maka para ulamak telah merumuskan bahawa sambutan Hari Valentine adalah diharamkan bagi seluruh umat Islam dan hendaklah pihak berwajib mengambil tindakan sewajarnya untuk menghalang budaya orang kafir ini dari diamalkan oleh umat Islam di Malaysia. Media Massa sepatutnya dihalang dari menguar-uarkan sambutan Hari Valentine ini kepada rakyat di sebuah negara Islam seperti Malaysia ini malah ianya sepatutnya dipergunakan untuk menyebarkan fatwa-fatwa para ulamak yang mengharamkan sambutan Hari Valentine.


Justeru itu dapat kita rumuskan bahawa sikap orang Islam terutamanya generasi muda berbangsa Melayu di Malaysia ini menyambut Hari Valentine adalah semata-mata bertujuan untuk meniru budaya hedonis yang diimport dari barat. Menurut mereka budaya barat yang sedemikian rupa mencerminkan corak hidup terkini dan paling sesuai pada zaman yang serba moden.

Mereka yang terkebelakang dalam meniru corak hidup barat ini dianggap jumud serta ketinggalan zaman. Maka kita melihat generasi muda Melayu berebut-rebut untukmengamalkan gaya hidup orang barat seperti mentatu tubuh mereka, mewarnakan rambut mereka berwarna perang, memakai pakaian yang menjolok mata, mengamalkan pergaulan bebas, mengunjungi disko-disko yang dihidangkan minuman keras dan lain-lain lagi.

Bagi mereka dengan mengamalkan cara hidup sedemikian rupa mereka telah berjaya meniru satu kaum yang dianggap serba maju. Sedarlah wahai pemuda-pemudi Melayu, walau sehebat mana kamu meniru gaya hidup barat, mereka tetap melihat kamu sebagai orang Asia yang datang dari dunia ke 3 yang rendah martabatnya berbanding dengan mereka.

Mereka tidak akan melihat kamu sekalian sebagai setaraf dengan mereka walaupunkamu bersungguh-sunguh ingin mencontohi cara hidup mereka. Oleh itu hendaklah bangsa Melayu berbangga dengan apa yang telah ada pada agama serta adat resambangsa mereka dan janganlah kita terlalu dikelabui dengan kehidupan duniawi yang berkiblatkan barat seperti sambutan Hari Valentine ini. Firman Allah S.W.T.:

"Wahai kaumku! Sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia ini hanyalah kesenangan (untuk sementara waktu sahaja) dan sesungguhnya hari akhirat itulah sahaja negeri yang kekal." �V Surah al-Ghaafir: 39

Valentine's Day adalah hari Membuat Anak Haram Besar-besaran Sedunia.


choose this present to give to me. i would only accept these types of chocolates. (hahahahah!!!) i cannot eat any other chocolates because i'm allergic to some nuts and the milk. so yeah. only these okay?

toblerone! ooooh i love it!

i want only the one that made in Australia. i dont want that made in Malaysia. can? i know the differences between two so you cannot cheat me!

my favorite of all time~

Appendicitis and Gastric

Yesterday I was sent to the hospital because of, what..? I don’t know.. I felt so much pain in my stomach. I think it’s gastric, as well as appendicitis. Wah lan, two pain at the same time! Nice. I know its appendicitis because I have read my aunties’ medical books. 6 of my aunties including my ma are nurses, how could I not know its appendicitis? I grew up reading and hearing about various diseases and its symptoms, painkillers and medicine names. I knew it all. Okay, that was some irrelevant information.

Well, that day I vomited for like 3 times already so I was dehydrated. My abdomen felt soooo pain and lower stomach also pain. My ma sent me to the hospital at 10 pm. There, I was given a drip. Given, or inserted? I was inserted drip? Sounds ridiculous.. Okay, I was given drip. It was hell of a pain! (Oh my. The nurse is cute. His name is uncle Michael.. Hahahah) At 2 am, I was finally released since I didn’t want to be admitted. Hell, who wants to be admitted? I’d do anything in my power not to admit! Not until I pass out! So, the doctor gave me some pills, and asks my ma to send me to the hospital as soon as possible if I feel any pain again because he's afraid that the appendix will be chronic. I miss my mate. Two days already no chat..

*** This year’s birthday will be my special birthday ever because I will reach a legal age! I shall be free and most important is, I am going to DRIVE! I will have my own car, courtesy of Maimun Bank Pvt Ltd. I demand presents for my birthday! Its 30th March people! Remember me!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I dont know. You tell me.

This guy ah, always behaves like this. He makes mistakes, say sorry later. After I forgive him, then BAH! Here we go again, he make another stupid mistake then asks me to forgive lagi! This is the cycle of my relationship. Great! For the last two years, our relationship has been filled with excuses, mistakes and SORRY. Please lar, quit provoking me already. Aggravating me your life will be exciting is it? If you are so boh lian, find something better to do! Buay paiseh! Going siaoooooo already! pokkgaii!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Fine Day.

si tyra (not that tyra, the other tyra.) said:
i have four pictures in my hand. the name i do not call shall pack their belongings and return home. here we go..


nes.. (tyra looks blank.)

nes? (tyra: what the hell..)

and nes. (tyra: WTF?!)

congratulashon, you still running towards becoming lumut's next top model. *smile*
as I walk away, tyra turns to the judges and she whispered,
"what? for real?! why only her pictures? how did you guys judge?!"
then nigel said,
"she treated me ayamku. i couldnt resist."
tyra turns to miss Jay, and he answered this:
"she bought me a chicken from Chicken Wing."
tyra hits her head repeatedly.

How To Avoid Kena Tetak.

Have you ever heard that Bruneians kena rompak when they shop in Miri? If you heard it decades ago, your jaws will be dropped to the floor (waves at omgz!) nowadays; it seems to be common liao. I heard that someone was robbed when she was in the car, holding her baby while her husband went to change some cash. The robbers broke her backseat window and grabbed her handbag. The handbag contained wallet with $200 approx inside, IC, hand phones, and keys. Luckily their passports weren’t inside the handbag. Anyway, isn’t it terrifies you? They went to the police but they cannot do anything. We also cannot do anything because it isn’t our turf.

So, today lesson is how to shop safely when you’re in Miri.

1. bring a bat. If you do not already own a bat, buy it. Baseball bat also can. If you are left alone in the car, hold the bat tightly. If there are any suspicious people approaching your car, you raise the bat. Raise it until the person can see you’re holding a bat. If anyone tries to rob you, you hit their head as hard as you could. Or, when you’re in the car and someone break your window, you open the door, (do not close the door, you can slow them with your door opens IF the robber is using motors, which usually they do.) and get out of the car as fast as you could. Then, hit them hard! Or, if you are too afraid to go out, hit their hands.

2. do not keep your handbag at the back. Do not show these uncivilized people that you’re wealthy. Do not wear so chic clothes or charmingly. Chic = expensive. Expensive = money. Money = can rob. Wear any hideous clothes if possible.

3. make sure that you park your car at the lot that can be seen by lots of people. In front of restaurants for instance. Err, I know sometimes these Miri peoples do not care (they indeed have very busy life to be concerned about your Lexus), but not all of them. If you’re lucky, someone will save your car from being robbed. Only if you’re lucky! And when you left your car, do not put your laptops or any expensive items visible. It lures these primitive people.

4. do not go alone to Miri. bring 4-5 people with you.

5. bring a dagger. Stab those people with no mercy!

6. do not use a luxurious car. Drive a very old-fashioned car. (Sabar saja mun branti tangah jalan..)

These are the only ways I can think of at the moment. If you are too afraid of being robbed, do not go to Miri. It’s better to save your money and fly to Singapore. Or go to Limbang and Labuan. The people there are more civilized than Mirian thugs. You are willing to die over your very cheap nuggets is it? So, yeah. Think wise. Love yourself.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HECAS application

Hiyah! Long time no update hor.. I’ve been very busy these days, you know.. applying for the next torture.. Speaking of which, I find it very inconveniencing to apply online. This HECAS thing is a nuisance indeed. Why would they use this method? I have a preference for the oldies method, which is writing and submitting manually. Yes it is also difficult to go to the institute itself to take the application form then go there again to submit it. But we get to drop by to stores after we finish submitting. Isn’t it fun?

The website for this HECAS thing also work imperfectly especially in the section B. it is so slow, not to mention the script is awful! I wait for like, eternity for the table to load, and then it says the script is malfunctioning! I was like, arghhhhhhh @$#%*&(^!!!!!!!! When it stop loading, I push the refresh button. Here we go, login again. Great! After two freaking hours ticking and unticking, what I got as a result is NOTHING! What the heck going on with this thing?! My tolerance is so gone!

And then, what I don’t get is, why no teacher course in UBD? This is so annoying. I see now the Malay medium subjects are just pieces of craps to you people. Kids, do not learn those rubbish subjects. It won’t take you anywhere. Just, don’t revise your subjects! Throw away your notes! Nowadays, what we call important subjects are merely science subjects and math, English medium subjects! This is fact. You go out and see for yourself. Nobody cares about Malay anymore. “Speak Malay because we are in a country which the official language is Malay” is bullshit. Teach your baby to speak English, and if possible, teach them math because that is what important in this country! You take any, yes, any leaflets to apply for any institutes in Brunei. What you see is this: a minimum of pass in any ENGLISH MEDIUM subjects. Where can you see: Credits in any Malay Medium subject? You tell me.

So do not choose Malay medium subject even if you have a passion for it. It is rubbish I tell you. Then, you must know how to speak very fluent English. We do not accept crappy English but complicated English, okay? You speak crappy English; we don’t want to be your friend. You get me?!

Siao eh! CB!

Friday, February 06, 2009


Yesterday night, my baby got sick. His temperature reached 40 then we sent him to clinic. So sian lah that baby.. we laugh2 because he so cute one.. Because that early morning he play2 power ranger one, then he got sick unexpectedly. And then the next morning, I got sick also. The virus jumped to me. baby okay already, me so sick. Temperature reads 39. Head got spin2. Cannot get up, cry2 only.

baby cute. his head looks damit.

banyak tgn.. urg2 yg mau nyibuk ni hahaha.

meliat power rangers ya..
Eat panadol actifast. Wah lan! so big!
I cut into two lor. I think my throat is narrow, that’s why the pill cannot go through. Always stuck one..

then i drink. my lovely mug.

this is the reason why so long no update. got something in my head..

Monday, February 02, 2009

Arse luck!

WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT – You are about to view content that may not be suitable for minors. The content as well may cause offense. By proceeding you are agree that you are allowed and want to view such content.


When the result’s first came out, everybody kept asking how’s mine. I was overwhelmed by abundant messages, emails, and advices seeing that my result turned out to be devastating. I was thankful because at the very low point of my life, there’s somebody who actually cared for me. and that one night, I cried till my eyes fell out. Thank you all for being considerate. I really do appreciate your concerns and loves. FOR THAT SINGLE NIGHT ONLY.

But two nights after that, I still received those messages. Most of them say:
“don’t worry too much. You try to apply all unis ah. Who knows you might be very lucky to have them to accept you.”
“relax lor, its not that bad.”
“calm down, its not the end of the world”

And blaaaaaaaa bla bla.

You know what people? Here’s my reply. I’m going to make this bigger lest you accidentally overlook this part.


The bad day is over liao.. I have gained my sanity what. Can’t you see my big fucking smile? I don’t need your fucking counsel. Not anymore for I heard those words from my authentic friends and tutors who loved me indisputably ON THE DAY I’M REALLY DISMAYED. If you’re saying that you were merely showing some sympathy, that’s very generous of you. With all due respect might I ask where you were on that day when I more than ever needed some advice? If you are about to state that you didn’t know the result were out on that day (albeit its broadcasted on the news), or perhaps you forgot that I am one of the candidates who failed to achieve what we pray for, then I’m shouting in your face, DON’T BOTHER!

What enraged me is that there are stupid insensitive bastards who ingenuously advocate me to sit for the exam, again.

I was like, HEY PEOPLE, WHAT IN THE NAME OF (insert any country) PRESIDENT ARE YOU THINKING? Talk easy lah. It’s fucking hard you know? You are not the one who has to sit for THREE FUCKING HOURS in the fucking hall. No way will I sit in front of my fucking desk studying for hours while you enjoy fucking throughout the day. Besides, it involved massive amount of cash! Having the status of unemployed, I will have to use my parents’. I am no moneyed; my ma has to think twice to pay for my paper. Are you absolutely certain that I will achieve better credit by taking the exam again? NO! So it’s a waste to my ma whilst she could purchase more than a few worthwhile things rather than paying the exam for me. (and i could premium my tibia with that cash!)

I am so “what is it with you people?” attitude at this point in time. So busy, don’t have time to think meh? You know people, God gave you brains, not for free. Please do make use of it. And after this, please, do not plead for apologize. It nauseates me.
I feel like cursing today. I won’t say sorry for the vulgar words I used. After all, this is my blog. I am so entitled to write whatever thing I want. I warned you already what.. If you like you read, if you don’t like you leave loh. No big deal. In case you’re asking, NO I am not going to edit any grammatical mistake. So what? I am so done. Sayonara.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Michael Wong, 光良.

excuse me for the foul language used in the background song. i just love it! hahahaha. MANCHESTER RULE! mate, ko inda tdapat lagu ani yaw? lawa. hahaha.

Michael Wong is a great singer.. you know, his lyrics are enough to make a girl weep.. when a guy talk to me liddat, I will smack his head.. disgusting you know.. but guang liang, he sings.. his voice are so soft.. with piano.. I just love him.. his innocent look.. made me craaaaaaaaaaaazy..

You’re like a star that unreachable,
You’re like a fire that untouchable,
You’re like a dream that vanish,
You’re like a song that ends,
You’re like a food that deplete,
I can never meet you,
I can never touch you,
I can never have you.
For I am a girl,
Who live in an unheard place,
In the world’s map,
It’s like a dot.

Apaaaaaaaaaakan.. i love you Guang Liang! wo ai ni hahaha. ~nyanyi2~