Thursday, September 16, 2010

Relationship turn-offs, IMO.

Biggest turn offs in my life dictionary.

10. Too beautiful

I’m terribly insecure and I do not trust easily, so it wouldn’t be good if I keep on wondering whether or not he attracts another every single day. I want him to be just beautiful enough for me to look at. ;p

9. Too stupid

If I have to explain every word I’m using, every matter I’m talking, then it’ll be best if I am to be his teacher instead of girlfriend.

8. Too brilliant

If he’s using words that Jane Austen, Bronte, even Shakespeare would think twice to use, and he’s having headache over world’s issues, then he better off my porch before I took out my M4A1. Even worse if he's a know-it all. Ay amigo, that deserves head shot.

7. Too similar

I hate cats, he dislike them too. I love literature novels, oh his bookshelves (plural, mind you!) are full of them, I’m crazy about Alexander Skarsgard and his wall is practically posters and pictures of him. In a nutshell, he’s my mirror. You’d be out of your mind if you love your own reflection.

6. Too “different”

He watches Korean dramas, listens to Bieber, worshipped the gay Cullens, a Liverpool fan and stupid Manchester United’s hater at that, wears skinny jeans and is into those labels like emos, punk etc. But if he drinks Milo when we’re together, oh la la mon ami, you just signed your death warrant.

5. Too free

Calls me every 10 minutes, messages me every 5, flood my facebook message and hotmail inbox. Basically, he needs me 24/7. Oy I understand if you can’t get enough of me and misses me even though we just parted 3 seconds ago after spending time together for more than 5 hours, but I. Fucking. Need. Personal. Space. My world doesn’t revolve around you.

4. Too busy

Ah-uh. I don’t want you all over me, but it would be nice if you don’t ignore me for 3 days straight. You’re working? Oh but why does (insert name) can squeeze some of his working hours to text me? 5 minutes of texting is fine by me, just DON’T IGNORE ME ALLTOGETHER, pendejo! I’m your partner, not some call girls that you can come to when you only need your dick wet. ;p

3. Too quiet

We’ve been here. I want quiet guys, not mutes.

2. Too friendly

AHA! Everywhere we go, there’s always girls approaching. Whatever we do, there’s always paparazzi. You think he treated you the way he does because you’re special, but no, he does that to everybody. There’s no way to differentiate between his exclusive girlfriend and his merely girl-friends. I mean, other than him saying that I am. Pfftt!

1. Too serious

Jokes are not joke if I have to explain it. Another definite deal breaker. I’m laughing my ass off, but his response is merely, “lol.” LOL? Just fucking LOL? Get out of my house. He can’t even tell that I’m kidding. He just doesn’t get my jokes. GET. OUT.

Back to where we left off, baby..
"How you've been?" "What's been new to you lately?"
Just forget it, it's the same runaround.

You build me up just to let me down..

Where were you when I needed you the most?
Why did you leave me alone?
We gave up before we gave it a chance.
And I don't understand.


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