Friday, September 17, 2010
Joshua Evans
00.45.00 to the end was hilarious!
.."Moslems" - someone who oppresses someone else...
..were people who worshiped a munga named Allah..
..can have 4 wives.. divorce one, get three more..
..Chapter about Jihad.. Moslems were allowed to kill non-moslems at anytime anyplace without discretion and it was an honorable act. Not only would they go to heaven, they get 7 diversions on the way.
..I close the book, put it on the shelf. Thanks but no thanks, if I ever see a Moslem, I am out.
..I didn't know he was Muslim because he was an African-American. In the book, it said Muslims were Arabs..
..You know, I thought Muslims were running around marry women as many as he wants and killing non-muslims. I didn't know they could also be a part-time drug-dealer..
And then, the story about his first time in a mosque during a Jumaah. He thought it was a set up. That his friend, the one that led him there, was probably in the same situation as him, probably made a deal with those Muslims to get out, as long as he brought another American, trick them into the mosque so those Muslim can do their Jihad after the Jumaah and get the 7 diversions.
He even calculated how many people were there between him and the exit. Then he thought the imam was talking about him in the mimbar.
This guy Joshua, is good..
Uh. He looks like Seann William Scott with jubah. jubah cakap english apa ret?
Oi mate! Thank you for introducing us. Sekalinya sampai tidur pukul 3 lalu semalam. Then hari ani aku cari lagi. memajal. Mucho gracias amigo!
Bwehehehehe! How refreshing to watch a good-looking man doing dakwah. Not sleepy. Bwahahahahaa! Muhd Yusha. Bweeeheheheeh!
I've never felt more Muslim. yeoh SOOODAH ATUUUUUUUUUUU~~~
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- Nes
- 19, Female. Loves orange, Manchester United and XBOX 360. Languages used in this blog are English, Malay and some Chinese.
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❤ Assassin Creed
❤ ERIC NORTHMAN of Southern Vampire Mystery
❤ Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård
❤ Generation Kill
❤ [FF] Alice in Wonderland - Tarrant x Alice pairing.
❤ Fallout 3
❤ Call Of Duty
❤ Left4Dead
❤ Assassin Creed
(c)2005-2011 Nes Addams
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