Sunday, April 05, 2009

Rubbish? Yes?


i'm tired of my background. look so messy. so i change it. simple as possible. but i'm so lazy to change the font color. dont know why, lately i'm so effing lazy to sign in my MSN. i just sign in to check if my mate and jeremy online. if no, i'll go offline and play with my photoshop and codes. i am a photoshop bitch. sorry. and my mood always no good. i want to screammmm.

i bumped to an old love a few days ago. and its like, there's a new spark between us. its always work like that. you broke up with this person for no bad reason, then a few years later when you meet again, the old feeling rises. and i started to think that we are not suppose to break up. whatever. just a feeling, no big deal.

some people are just not meant to be together. not destined to be together.

so i shall wait for my mate to be happy first. understand this: i just want him to be happy. thats it. i do not WAIT for him like that. he's my mate, my brother. what do you expect? we are close like bras and underwears. i know, lousy example. but yeah. is it wrong to be close to a guy? like, really close? why do you have to assume that we are in love? so immature. yeah i love my mate, more like i love my boyfriend (if i have one). because he is my friend. i treasure friends more than my significant one, because boyfriends come and go but friends stick together (speaking from experience). i rather lose my boyfriend than lose my best mate.

i actually dont know what i'm talking about now.

addicted to pixel. ohhhh. i miss SMSA's library. seriously. i miss the times when my friends and me studying together, talk about everything. (yeah right. put the sock in it! i just miss one person, very effing much. *sigh* when will i meet him again? *sigh harder.*)


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