Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Tagged By Sis Emma

1.Each blogger must post this rules.
2.Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
3.Other blogger who are also tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
4.You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
5.It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards, letting them know about the award they've received.

Ten Facts About Me:

1. wo de ming zhe shi Raihani.
3. i love to watch DVD, particularly Chinese DVDs.
4. i love flirting but i cannot confess my love to the one i really have a thing for.
5. have the ability to hide my feelings. upset, happy, sad, mad, you name it.
6. i dont like to hang out very often.
7. i dont have abang but i have cousins whom i considered as my flesh and blood brothers.
8. i have only 3 girl best friends (emma, keenaand ziyah) whom i love like sisters eventhough we dont talk to each other occasionally and no one can ever replace them in my heart, forever.
9. i have a guy best friend (arip). and he's the top best friend now.
10. now i'm in love with myzah.. ahahahaha nda bah. she's my bestest girl friend in MSN, sma dgn arip.

Ten People I'm Going To Tagged:-
2. Myzahhh
3. Didi
4. rita
5. arip
6. hamyzah
7. areef
8. hazwani
9. salwani
10. anak bungsu c yahya.

One: How has this past week goin for you?
+ this week sucks. knowing that he leave on 4th.

Two: Who was the last person to text you?
+ syg. =') thanks, unfortunately i cannot reply it. sedih sgt wooooo.

Three: Last person of the opposite sex to give you a hug?
+ someone.

Four: Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
+ yes. of course

Five: First person under ' J' on your cell phone?
+ jijan.

Six: Do you hate that person?
+ no? bhapa juaaaa.

Seven: Any fun plans for today?
+ my brain stopped functioning today. salah mu tu ret!

Eight: Is the last person you held hands with attractive?
+ no. sorryyyyy hahaha.

Nine: Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily?
+ YES, especially when they run of ideas of how to make me feel loved and the relation went extremely smooth.

Ten: How many and what kind of animals are in your house?
+ lizards aja.. aku memelihara lizards..

Eleven: Are you disappointed right now?
+ not disappointed..

Twelve: When was the last time something bothered you?
+ niiiiiiiii. esok LASTTTTT.

Thirteen: What's the most interesting thing that happened to you today?
+ jubur c myzah sakit HAHAHAHAHA apakann

Fourteen: Have you ever broken someone's heart?
+ if i did, i'm sorrry. i didnt do it on purpose..

Fifteen: Would you ever date a friend's ex?
+ if she's only a friend and doesnt mind i'm dating her ex.. but the ex's of the my sisters, no.

Sixteen: If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do?
+ my ex yg mana satu?! jangan yg last ex okay? nda ku restu!

Seventeen: Are you the type that would rather stay at other peoples houses or have them at yours?
+ neither. i dont like friends to lepak at my house, kecuali the 3 girls, sama drg edham and eboy saja.. yg rapat2 lah.. i dont like to stay at people's house.. i dont want to be a burden to them.

Eighteen: Have you ever hooked up with one of your ex's best friends?
+ noo.

Nineteen: Do tattoos and piercings excite you?
+ no.

Twenty: If someone hits you, what would you do?
+ hit back. skatimu kan hit aku. ko pikir aku papan ka? skatinya.

Twenty-one: Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
+ yes ahahahaha.

Twenty-two: Do you know anyone whose name starts with a Z?
+ Ziyah.

Twenty-three: If your ex came up to you and apologized for something they did wrong, what would you say?
+ you did nothing wrong..

Twenty-four: When was your last encounter with the police?
+ nda tauu

Twenty-five: Do you still talk to your ex's?
+ all of them yes.. kecuali yg lost contact saja or girlfriend drg gila babi..

Twenty-six: Who would you like to be friends with again?
+ again?? no one.. i'm still friend with everyone i call friend.

Twenty-seven: Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
+ yes if i'm tremendously happy.

Twenty-eight: When people talk crap about you what do they say?
+ idk.

Twenty-nine: What can always put you in a good mood?
+ anything

Thirty: Have you kissed in the rain?
+ yes and for you guys yg kata kiss in the rain is romantic, pls reconsider.. bari damam bahh! di brunei ani lagi.. bri maluuuuuuu. pbaik sweet. ahaha.

Thirty-one: Is there anyone that you care more about than yourself?
+ yes.. i care for my friends.

Thirty-two: What do you miss about your past?
+ good times together, masa di smpap lumut..

Thirty-three: Is there something you wish you could tell someone but you cant?
+ YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cana kan gtau ni..

Thirty-four: Are there any previous relationships you wish could have lasted longer?
+ to be honest, yes.

Thirty-five: Did your last kiss mean anything?
+ no.


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