Sunday, January 02, 2011

My first headache in 2011.

Last week, Carey sent me a message to ask if I want to collaborate on a new Fallout story. It's the Courier and Vulpes. I said, why not? Since my story is finished and I've got nothing better to do, might as well give it a try.

Vulpes is one of the antagonists in Fallout: New Vegas and Courier is the savior of the world. Most of the new Fallout fanfic revolves around Boone and Courier but our story, Vulpes and Courier, is somewhat unusual. I was rather nonchalant about it in the beginning, but as soon as I opened my notes, ideas just keep dropping, like an Angel Falls. I think it's swell.. at first.

So I started jotting down the plots. When I've written 40k words for Fallout in a insane speed of merely two days, new ideas for SVM (Southern Vampire Mystery) popped out. Not for one, but for two different stories. Two different universe - one is for Eric as Vampire and one for him as human.

If I don't write it down in my book, get it out from my brain, it will cause a nasty, nasty headache. Seriously. It's just keep pulsing and pulsing, clawing and scratching. Sometimes I think this passion of mine, for writing, became more and more like obsession, which isn't healthy.

Because of the nasty headache, I can barely get out of my bed. Definitely not healthy.

P/s: I'm resting on the bed while watching Alexander Skarsgard's interviews in Swedish, and even raped the replay button. Even though I don't understand a word he's saying, I still think it's sexy. He's sexy. Aww shucks! Love his eyes. I can't help but think all Swedes are beautiful like him. I want to learn Swedish! :(

So long now. I have *coughs* videos of Scandinavian hunk to *coughs* watch. And if, God forbids, I die *coughs* while watching, then I *coughs* died as a *coughs* happy girl. Be sure to *coughs* let him know that *coughs* I died when *coughs* watching him *coughs* smile. :)


Rawr said...

Where will this Fallout story you speak of be located?

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