This is very humiliating. Sure we don’t have pubs or anything like that. What do you expect? Brunei is an Islamic country, a very religious one at that. That’s just how we operate. We believe in MIB which stands for Melayu Islam Beraja, means Malay Islamic Monarchy. Our religion forbids us to consume any alcoholic drinks. Well there are Muslim who drank them, but that’s another story. We are good Muslims, we don’t do suicide bombings, never attack any tourists or foreigners who dwell in Brunei, and we’re completely nonviolent. We just don’t tolerate booze. Why degrade us?
We were born here, we live here for the rest of our lives and hopefully we’ll die here. We do not just respect our ruler, but we love His Majesty to the highest degree. If anything that everybody could ever understand and honour, it is LOYALTY. You certainly do not like other people to insult your mother, right? Well that’s how we felt. An insult to either His Majesty or our country, or both for that matter, is an insult to all of us Bruneians. You do not speak ill of our beloved and expect us to stay put. His Majesty may be a royalty and he’s way above us, but in our heart, he’s like a father, brother and son. You may think it’s perfectly fine to ridicule of your senators or presidents, but not us. It’s just the way we think. Our interpretation of respect may vary but if we can put up with yours, why can’t you try to acknowledge ours?
We’ve never whine (yeah, I considered those protest marches as higher level of whining) not because our mouths had been stuffed with money. We are just thankful. We are truly blessed. Our government provides us with highest standard of protection and education, concisely everything that some countries had overlooked. All those for free. We do not pay taxes, do not have to vote and suffer the consequences, we received good paychecks, even those retired elders are paid. Our lives are secured. All are outcomes of His Majesty’s affections towards us, His people. We really do not care about how His Majesty spends his money. He can buy himself a plane made of pure gold or trim His hair for $50,000 for all we care. It’s His money, for crying out loud! Try putting yourself in His shoes (or much cheaper one if you cannot afford one that exactly like His), tell me how would you like it if somebody else tell you how to spend your hard-earned money? His Majesty does not do charity? Oh, and here I am, constantly annoyed by the endless messages I received, attempting to encourage me to donate to all the national disaster. By all, I mean every single misfortune that needed donations, global or not. Really, which filthy mouth did you hear that from? If His Majesty isn’t the most charitable person I’ve ever met, then I don’t know who is. You know which part that makes it beyond belief? That He did not do it for a vote.
It’s true that Brunei is the most boring country. It’s out-dated and we don’t have many tourist attractions like any other countries. Heck, even the local entertainment industry is crap. However, only US Bruneians can say so. Why is that, you ask? It’s pretty simple. You can say whatever you like to your siblings, but you cannot have other people talk like the way you do to them, right? We’re like that. We know our country well. It’s OUR country and it’s part of us.
Everyone has their own trait, so do we. I know that in some place where you live, it’s highly encouraged that you speak your mind, but do be careful for in the process, you may hurt some people’s feelings. Even if you do not give a rat’s ass about that, you may incite stereotyping. For instance, right now I’m beginning to think that all Caucasians are uncouth – thanks to those who made the group and demean our nation.
23rd of February,
which is today, is Brunei’s Independence Day and I would like to affirm that
I may not progressive,
I may criticize some things,
I may not be a patriotic person that carries national flag wherever I go,
But I love my country, and I devote myself to my Sultan. If ever needed, I’m ready to defend Him, even if it means to face my death.
which is today, is Brunei’s Independence Day and I would like to affirm that
I may not progressive,
I may criticize some things,
I may not be a patriotic person that carries national flag wherever I go,
But I love my country, and I devote myself to my Sultan. If ever needed, I’m ready to defend Him, even if it means to face my death.
p/s: oh oh, and to remind all those who want to demean Brunei, please at least get it right. Otherwise, you look like a professional morons, not only to us Bruneians, but also to the rest of the world. Better yet, don't do it. Demeaning other nations for fun is not cool, however, it successfully depicts how shallow you are. And never call our Ruler an ass. Here, one of my favorite Barack Obama (yeah, the only American President I have utmost respect for) quote, exclusively for you, "JACKASS!"