Sunday, November 30, 2008
Halloween, in my humble opinion. second part.
i dont understand this movie. seriously. i watched it on HBO yesterday. how did he finds out about laurie? i mean, how did he knows laurie was her sister back then? she's only a baby when he was admitted to the hospital, wasnt he? and its ending sucks. laurie survived or no? its like no proper ending. in the middle of the movie, i was screaming like a pig (its a slang okay, not like "oink2").. i said these things:
"timbak kpalanya!!!" - "headshot!!!"
"eh tu blakang!!!" - "watch out, he's behind you!"
"eh cuba tah lari!!" - "run for your life for god sake!!!"
but, no ending. WHAT THE F**K!!!!!
i would not recommend this movie to children, to any heartattack sufferers and to anybody who dont like this movie. rate: 3 and the half star only.. because, no ending and Mikey's mask was terrible. its not scarry but cool enough for a psycopath. =)
Halloween (2007)
Michael Myers (Daeg Faerch), a ten-year-old boy living in Haddonfield, IL, is bullied at school and his family life is little better. His mother, Deborah (Sheri Moon Zombie) dances at the local strip club and constantly fights with her boyfriend, Ronnie (William Forsythe). Full of rage, Michael hides behind a Halloween clown mask and tortures and kills pets. He shows tenderness only to his infant sister. After Michael has an encounter with a bully at school on Halloween, Dr. Sam Loomis (Malcolm McDowell) presents to Deborah evidence of Michael's abuse of animals and informs her that her son displays warning signs of sociopathology. Michael runs from school, follows the bully into the woods and beats him to death with a branch. That night, Judith refuses to take Michael trick or treating so she can stay home to have sex with her boyfriend when Deborah goes to work. Left to his own devices, Michael savagely kills Ronnie, Judith and her boyfriend. After he is done, he tenderly cradles his infant sister in his arms.
Michael is convicted of first degree murder and incarcerated in the Smith's Grove mental hospital under the care of Dr. Loomis. Deborah visits him weekly. Michael claims not to remember the killings and begs to go home. After several months of fruitless treatment, Michael snaps and kills a nurse (Sybil Danning). Distraught, Deborah commits suicide. Michael grows into a hulking adult male and remains locked in the sanitarium for the next fifteen years, speaking to no one and spending the time making masks. Dr. Loomis gives up on treating him and instead writes a best-selling book describing him as irredeemable evil.
On October 30 Michael (Taylor Mane) is sitting in his cell making mask's, two guards at the asylum, whom happen to be cousins, are on duty and are taking advantage of a new female inmate, they decide to have the fun in Michael's room, Michael is making a mask, once he finishes he slaughters the two guards and takes the key's then escapes into the night. At a truck stop, he kills a driver in the bathroom and steals his overalls. By the next morning -- Halloween -- he has returned to his family home in Haddonfield, which has remained abandoned since his mother's suicide. There he retrieves the butcher knife he used to kill Ronnie and one of the masks he wore that night, which he had hidden beneath the floorboards.
Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor-Compton) is a good student and daughter in Haddonfield. Her father is a real estate agent trying to sell the old Myers home, which local legend has is haunted. As a favor for him, Laurie drops some paperwork off at the Myers house. Michael sees her and is intrigued. He follows her to high school and watches her. Laurie's friends Lynda and Annie (Kristina Klebe and Danielle Harris) are more sexually active than the boyfriend-less and frustrated Laurie, who spends her Halloweens babysitting ten-year-old Tommy (Skyler Gisondo). Annie persuades Laurie to babysit her own charge on Halloween night, Lindsey, so she and her boyfriend can fool around instead.
Lynda, meanwhile, goes to the old Myers house with her boyfriend to party. After they have sex, Michael kills them. He then proceeds to the Strode house, and as soon as Laurie leaves for her babysitting assignment, he kills her parents. After Annie drops Lindsey off with Laurie and Tommy, she and her boyfriend begin to have sex at Lindsey's house. Michael enters and kills the boyfriend but leaves Annie alive after brutalizing her. A few hours later, Laurie walks Lindsey home and finds Annie naked and trembling and her boyfriend's corpse hanging from the ceiling. Laurie sends Lindsey back to Tommy's and then calls the police. Michael attacks Laurie but she manages to escape back to Tommy's as well. Michael follows her, kills the police who have arrived and abducts Laurie.
Dr. Loomis has been informed of Michael's escape. After buying two high-powered handguns, he travels to Haddonfield and pleads with Sheriff Brackett (Brad Dourif) to believe that Michael Myers has returned. Only after his call to the Strodes goes unanswered does Brackett fear the worst. He reveals to Loomis that Laurie Strode is Michael's sister, adopted by the Strodes after Deborah committed suicide. Loomis realizes Michael senses this truth but doesn't know what Michael will do about it.
Loomis and Bradford go to Lindsey's house. There Bradford finds the sobbing Annie, who is his daughter. Meanwhile, Loomis goes to the Myers house. Michael has taken Laurie there. Michael gives Laurie a photograph of them as children and drops his knife. Laurie stabs him and escapes into the backyard. Michael pursues her and corners her in the empty swimming pool. As he advances into the pool to retrieve her, Loomis appears and pleads with him to stop repeatedly, after this fails he shoots Michael in the back several times. Loomis and Laurie try to escape, but Michael rips Laurie from the car before they can. Loomis pleads with Michael to stop and tells him to give Laurie to him, Finally Michael gives in and releases Laurie to Loomis. As Dr. Loomis and Laurie walk away Michael drops the knife and the police that have arrived on the scene led by sheriff Bradford, open fire on Michael repeatedly until he falls, Loomis pleads with them to stop as Laurie cries, the scene fades black as it replays the sounds of a taped session between Michael and Dr. Loomis.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Understanding Bruneians. (part 1)
1. You 'miss call' instead of calling or sending sms.
(TRUE!!! mcm, cubatah msg/call tarus ah.. bgi sasak bah MAIN MISSCALL ani!)
2. You always say "kapih ku.. bila terima/keluar gaji/overtime/elaun ah?"
(nda tau ah..)
3. You park your car as close as possible to your destination area.
(ani ngam. biar tawaf 10 kali tu.. mau jua dakat2)
4. You speak Malaysia if you meet Malaysian, speak Indonesia ifyou meet Indonesian.. and so on.
(ngam. besa, ngada2. cubatah, drg dbrunei atu, biar tia durang yg blajar bahasa kitani. NAPA PULANG TANI ISKI BLAJAR BAHASA DURANG??)
5. You are asked to go to a "meeting" but actually you will only be "listening".
(nda tau.)
6. You go to someone's wedding, you give money using an envelope and put your name on it or if you think you don't give enough you use a blank envelope.
(bagi2 ni andang tipikal urg brunei. undebatable.)
7. Indo mee is your staple food and Ayamku is your fastfood.
(ngam! or, pop mee.)
8. The term 'balik kampung' is almost not applicable.. since you can 'balik kampung' everyday.
(bukan jauh pun. nda jua smpai abis minyak mentuka..)
9. Motorcyles and bicycles are not your transport, they are your sport.
(tapi masani urg gilakan motor. okay?)
10. When you see local tv camera around you during the day, then at night you will watch local news... and hoping to see yourself on television.
(or when you see a local tv camera, you would run away. BRUNEI SIOK!!!)
11. You drive your car on wavy and potholed road.
12. You receive official news faster by mean of "mouth" than by "written".
(nyibuk. NGAM! terutama yg jahat2..)
13. You like electronic products from Japan.
(ani undebatable. i mean, who doesnt? cool kali ahh.. bukan brunei ada laptop punn.)
14. If you have the chance to call a radio show and before you areasked to hang-up, you say 'boleh minta putarkan lagu?'
(slalu ni eh. utk si syg lah. utk si bibi lah. utk si alai lah.)
15. You are in BIG debts and refuse to pay the lenders and yet still drive a CLK and live in a mansion.
16. You wear baju kurung with large katoks and maniks all over.
(the best example, p2f or anugerah2 yg nda berprestij. haha.)
17. You are loud and speak in melandih way.
(utk yg gatal sja.)
18. You and the whole family have the same car plate numbers.
(aii. ani, no comment. si XXX sma jua catu. suma jua keta drg sama plate hahaha.)
19. You spend your $$$$$ on your wedding even though you are broke.
(memories jua tu. nda pa2. dimaafkan ahaha)
20. You become Akademi Fantasia fanatics.
(aku NDAAA!)
21. You know most of the people here - "eh si anak si anu eh saudarasi blabla".
(because brunei is a small country.)
22. You drive to the shop next door even though the shop is only 100meters away (except maybe in Kampung Ayer).
23. Every year, since the 80s until last year, you don't want not tomiss HM's Birthday Titah (because you are hoping that HM will increaseyour salary).
24. When you want to get some service from the government agencies,you will find your saudara first.
(mesti ada 'urg dalam' kali ah..)
25. If something goes wrong, you will say that one of the datos, pehins is your relative (or at least they know you).
(nda tau.)
26. You cannot live without Brudirect's HYS.
(what the heck is brudirect? hahaha)
27. You give you children super long name.
(namaku simple jua.)
28. You rush to a new shopping mall just to beat everybody else eventhough it's just another Hua Ho.
(macam GIANT aritu. smpai nunggu2 dluar. bebaris2.)
29. You wave your hand while driving to other drivers that you know.
30. You are able to pay (or not) for one or two amahs who are most likely an Indonesian or a Filipino.
(pmalas bah. taunya kn makan saja.. yatah LAMPUH TU DANG..)
31. You are ok to be fat.
(living in paradise. of course lah. trutama urg bandar okay..)
32. You are a busy body with other peoples' news, especially the badness, and you think your responsibility is to know and to spread it around.
(yes. terutamanya dlm hal2 yg cani: anak si anu betian nda belaki bah. like, WHAT THE FCK? biar tia bah. bukan jua ya ngacau.)
33. Your friends get married on the same day and you don't know who to go to.
(dont want to miss the good times.)
34. You like to stare at phones for 24 hours and chat on MSN.
(and friendster, and facebook, and many more.)
35. You say "Mun paham bisai" (this needs no further explaination) .
(duhh. =.=")
36. You have to wear 'cool' attire everywhere, even on holidays.
(nda lagi tdapat baju mihir.. cuci mentuka pun pakai baju lawa.)
37. You add "BUI" on each sentence.
(ko pikir ko cool la pakai catu?)
38. You think exercising, being hyper active, competition are for little kids.
39. You can't type or spell properly properly, example "hw r u? hy my nme s si org brnei"
(brigali. like, nda kamu kana ajar ka dskulah?! tolong deh. pakai spelling!)
40. You add "me & you" on your converstations with your girl mates.
(ani lagi brigali. damn!)
41. You listen to Pelangi FM.
(ani aku pun dgr kdg2. sal siuk. tapi time c aliff ja okay? yg lain, FAKE!)
42. You think fake Von Dutch products are the best.
(aku nda minat VON DUTCH!)
43. You are especially racist to Indian workers.
(slalu ni. tkaling2. kaling ja majal. napa kan tu? biar tia bh.)
44. You would rather go to shopping malls than hanging out at parks,chaving a picnic with your friends.
(the mall, byk remaja2 yg hang out sana. nada tempat lain ka BUI?)
45. You have 'candas' in your house.
(ani utk mkn ambuyat. yummy!)
46. You read this blogsite because all your friends are reading it and you don't want to be left behind.
(okay, dont stop reading my blog because i have too many critics. kritikan yg membina ahaha)
47. You rush to get a $99 handphone not caring about the limited features coz you think anything cheap is a bargain.
48. You have two handphones - one for DST and the other for BMobile(for one month and then switch off one or the other).
49. You always try to runding the policemen who caught you speeding.
(runding jua lah. or you try to get help from URG DALAM.)
sorry if this post is offending. but face the fact that most of these points are so true. it meant to be a humor pulang. but yeah, if you dont like it, dont click my page ever again. remember, this blog is mine. i can write/post anything i like. you dont like, you dont read lah.
Surat Berantai.
Soalan 1
Ustaz, saya ada menerima surat berantai yang pada amnya mengajak kita bertakwa kepada Allah. Tetapi di akhir surat itu ada diceritakan berkenaan kisah orang yang mendapat bala kerana tidak menyebarkan sebanyak 20 salinan kepada orang lain. Apa pandangan ustaz?Soalan 2Baru-baru ini saya ada menerima e-mail yang mengandungi surat berantai. Di dalamnya menceritakan tentang wasiat seorang alim dari Madinah. Di akhir surat tersebut di suruh sesiapa yang membacanya supaya dan disampaikan kepada orang lain sebanyak 20 salinan dalam masa 2 minggu. Sekiranya dilakukan akan dikurniakan oleh Allah sesuatu hajat atau niat. Dan apabila tidak dilakukan akan terjadi sesuatu perkara yang buruk. Apakah hukumnya mempercayai surat ini?Dahulu ia diedarkan dengan membuat salinan Photostat tetapi kini ia diedarkan melalui internet. Mungkin pihak Ustaz dapat memberikan jawapan yang tepat kepada masalah ini supaya saya dapat edarkan kepada rakan-rakan saya yang masih mengedarkan risalah ini.
Setelah diamati, ada beberapa perkara yang boleh dikupas dari surat itu. Pertama dari segi isi. Kebatilannya terbukti apabila surat ini mendakwa Sheik Ahmad bertemu Rasululllah (s.a.w) dalam mimpi dan memberi pesanan kepadanya. Seolah-olah belum selesai tablighnya.
Kita ketahui bahawa dalam khutbah terakhir ketika haji wida', Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda 'Telah sempurna bagimu agamamu' yang membawa maksud bahawa tiada lagi wahyu atau ugama yang akan turun selepas itu. Mahu ikut yang mana? Surat ini kah atau AlQuran?
Kedua dari segi arahannya. Sekiranya kita percaya bahawa dengan mengedar 20 keping surat ini akan membawa rezeki atau kebaikan dan sebaliknya sekiranya tidak maka kita akan ditimpa bencana maka secara tidak langsung, kita percaya bahawa ada lagi kuasa selain Allah SWT.Ini akan menjadikan kita syirik. Na'uzubillah. Sheik Ahmad yang dikira kuat iman ini pula sanggup mati dalam kufur. Seseorang yang berilmu, warak, alim dalam soal agama tidak akan mempertaruhkan imannya untuk apa sekalipun. Saya berpendapat surat ini adalah satu dakyah untuk memesongkan aqidah umat Islam.
Mari kita kaji pula niat disebalik surat berantai ini. Ia mengandungi isi yang menceritakan tentang Sheik Ahmad yang kononnya bertemu Rasulullah s.a.w dalam mimpinya. Rasulullah kononnya memberi satu statistik yang tujuannya menakutkan pembaca yang memang tiada cara untuk membuktikan kesahihannya. 60,000 orang akan mati tanpa iman, apa maksudnya? Adakah orang yang ke 60,001 akan beriman? Setelah itu diselitkan nasihat supaya pembaca yakin bahawa surat ini berniat baik. Kemudian datang ugutan. Sekiranya tidak diedar 20 salinan, mendapat bala. Untuk meyakinkan pembaca, penulis rela kufur sekiranya isi surat ini adalah palsu. Untuk menambahkan lagi keyakinan pembaca, diturunkan pula beberapa contoh yang menjurus kepada perkara diatas.
Tentunya susah untuk menentukan kesahihan cerita tersebut. Cuma setahu saya, Allahyarham Tan Sri Ghazali Jawi tidak dibuang kerja tetapi meletak jawatan kerana mahu aktif dalam politik. Kalau ada yang rapat dengan keluarga Allahyarham atau keluarga Datuk Tajul Rosli, mungkin boleh sahkan hal ini. Tentunya muslim yang rapuh imannya akan terpengaruh dengan dakyah sebegini.
Jika tak dihiraukan maka semacam ada keresahan dalam hati seolah-olah menanti bencana yang dijanjikan. Maka dengan keresahan inilah syaitan dapat menakluk hati kita. Dicekiknya tubuh kita sehingga sakit, maka kita teringat akan surat wasiat tersebut, dan kita edarkan. Syaitan akan melepaskan cekikannya ketika itu kerana dia telah berjaya memesongkan aqidah kita.Maka kita berjalan pula dimuka bumi Allah ini dan menceritakan pengalaman kita tadi, dan ada pula hamba Allah memasukkannya ke dalam Internet. Kesimpulannya, janganlah percayakan surat tersebut dan selagi ada umat yang percayakannya maka ianya tetap akan beredar hingga bila-bila, kerana seingat saya, surat ini telah beredar sejak saya disekolah rendah lagi dan mungkin bermula berpuluh-puluh tahun sebelum itu. Dari Penerangan diatas jelaslah mempercayai surat wasiat tersebut adalah haram.
Jika anda ingin tahu dari siapakah bermulanya surat berantai yang kononnya dari Sheikh Ahmad yang bermimpi bertemu Rasulullah di dalam mimpinya, bacalah keterangan dibawah ini:- Keputusan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978
Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978 mengesahkan surat ini ditulis oleh paderi-paderi biara Blessings of St Antonio, Texas, USA pada tahun 1974/75 untuk mengelirukan umat Islam. Penulis asal surat ini ialah mendiang Father Francis Jose de Villa, seorang paderi Katolik dari Argentina berketurunan Arab-Syria (bekas penganut Islam, nama asalnya Mohamed Elias Skanbeg).
Dia pernah bertugas di Instituto Sacristo Convocione Reliogioso di Brindisi, Itali sebagai mubaligh Katolik antara tahun 1966-1968 di bawah Cardinal Agostino Casaroli. Father de Villa meninggal dunia pada tahun 1980 di Texas dalam usia 54 tahun. Menurut Allahyarham Sayyed Mohamed Raisuddin Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy, penjaga makam Rasulullah SAW di Madinah antara tahun 1967-hingga 1979, tidak ada penjaga makam bernama Sheik Ahmad antara tahun 1881 hingga 1979.Penjaga makam di Madinah ialah: Sayyed Turki Abu Mohamed Abdul Razaque Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1881-meninggal dunia 1932), anaknya Sayyed Hashim Abu Faisal Abdul Jalil Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1932-meninggal dunia 1934), adiknya Sayyed Abdul Karim Mutawwi Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1934-bersara 1966) dan anak saudaranya Sayyed Mohamed Raisuddin bin Mohamed bin Abdul Razaque Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisyi (1967-meninggal dunia 1979).
Bekas menteri besar Perak Allahyarham Tan Sri Mohamed Ghazali Jawi bertaubat dan mengucap kalimah syahadat sekali lagi di hadapan Kadi Daerah Kinta pada tahun 1976 setelah beliau mengaku pernah menerima dan mengirim surat ini kepada dua puluh orang kawannya.Peristiwa ini berlaku tidak lama sebelum beliau meninggal dunia. Bekas Kadi Daerah Kinta meminta beliau mengucap semula kerana bimbang beliau telah gugur syahadah(murtad).
Allahyarham Datuk Shafawi Mufti Selangor mengisytiharkan bagi pihak Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan bahawa barang siapa dengan sengaja menyebarkan risalah ini adalah 'melakukan syirik dan tidak mustahil jatuh murtad melainkan dia bertaubat dan menarik balik perbuatannya itu terhadap sesiapa yang telahpun dikirimkan risalah ini'.(Surat Keputusan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia Bil. 7/78/I).
Keputusan ini diiktiraf oleh Majlis Raja-raja Melayu dalam mesyuaratnya di Pekan pada 16 Oktober 1978, dipengerusikan oleh Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, Perak. Menurut Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978, menyebar surat ini 'termasuk dalam menyekutukan Allah S.W.T. dengan syirik yang amat besar (shirk-i-kubra) serta mempermainkan Rasulullah S.A.W. serta menyebar dengan niat tidak baikkekeliruan dan muslihat di kalangan umat Islam.'
Lagipun,'surat ini menggambarkan pembohongan yang amat besar terhadap junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. serta ajaran baginda kerana menggambarkan SHEIK AHMAD sebagai perawi hadith sesudah kewafatan baginda'.Allahyarham Datuk Sheik-ul-Islam Mufti Kedah dalam Risalat Al-Aman 1983/Bil 8, surat ini 'paling kurang menimbulkan syirik kecil dan murtad secara tidak sengaja terkeluar dari Islam, serta syirik yang besar jika sengaja maka taubatnya tidak sah melainkan dibuat dengan sesungguhnya. Adapun jika seseorang itu menyalin surat ini kepada umat Islam lain, jatuhlah hukum ke atasnya mentablighkan perkara syirik dan khurafat.Sesungguhnya ulamak sependapat perbuatan itu sungguh besar syiriknya dan boleh mengakibatkan murtad walaupun tanpa sadar si-pengirim'.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Ibu ku Yang Cantik
Sembilan bulan kau membawaku,
sembilan bulan kau menjaga ku,
sedari aku seketul daging,
hingga berbentuk seorang manusia..
sakitnya kau tidak terperi,
ibarat maut berkunjung,
kau taruhkan nyawamu,
kau abaikan orang kesayanganmu,
hanya untuk aku,
untuk ku melihat maya ini.
Kau berikan ku yang terbaik,
mengekang mata kala ku sakit,
membanting tulang empat kerat,
hanya untuk sesuap nasi,
untukku mengalas perut.
Aku kini telah dewasa,
Telah ku lihat dunia ini,
Dunia yang kejam..
Aku mengerti,
Andai kau diberikan kuasa,
Akan kau letakkan aku,
Di dunia ciptaanmu,
Yang tiada kesakitan
Dan tiada kejahatan.
Maafkan salahku,
untuk tidak membalas jasa,
Namun apa dayaku,
Walau seribu emas permata,
Walau sejuta intan mutiara,
Tidak dapat membayar
Tidak dapat menggalas
pengorbanan mu pada ku.
Akan ku pastikan,
Walau sebesar zarah pun,
Walau sekelumit rasa pun,
Tidak akan kau sesali,
Untuk melahirkan aku,
Terima kasih Ibu.
Hari Yang *setangah* Terindah.
I feel so lazy ah today… and boring also.. I did nothing from the moment I opened my eyes this early morning which was still 6 am.. the phone so noisy.. its from my ah ye, he asked my ah di follow him or not.. I want to run away from home for a while.. I want to sleep at Bandar.. nantilah, after my mate’s flight… yeohhh look ret, I’m well-prepared udah for your absence… today I want to break my own record I made yesterday.. yesterday I drank 4 bottles, today plus one bottles.. what do you say those pespi ah.. yg byk2 mcm time raya ah, finished by me saja.. ahahaha.. I want to make a bequest, in case my life is expired abruptly.. I want to give all my possessions to the people I treasured so much in my lifetime..
initially, I want to give my beloved room, of course to the queen because I cannot pacah the rumah, can i? so it’s up to her lah, turn it into a storeroom ka, into my ah di’s playhouse ka since he is not yet an adult/teenager even though he’s 16 next year.. he still manja and plays a lot.. maybe because he’s the youngest and we protect him quite labih2.. people say, no pain no gain.. let us tampar ia bramai2, see if he will grow up.. hahaha.. kidding.. i would not let people hurt him deliberately..
Secondly, I want to give all my clothes to my mischievous cousin, si basyirah.. she only like, twelve kalii, tapi got this huge body sal ia cannot stop eating.. maybe because of the hormones that is injected to her body every day.. she is kesian, some kind of penyakit kali ah.. I don’t know sgt tapi my ma said she’s a malformed kid.. see, she’s twelve but her badan only brapa meter tall.. I love her tapi most of the times I like to tampar her hahaha.. she said my clothes are all tight (tapi mau jua ya ambil.) but for me, the clothes is too baggy.. I want to give all my accessories, my eyeliners, my nail polishes and mascaras to her jua sal she always kacau tu..
Thirdly, I want to relinquish my books of thoughts and my hand phones to my very valued ex, haji md Faisal.. simply because he still occupy a portion of my heart.. like, let say, 2/4? About him, no comment hahaha. My DVDs I’d give to Surayani, she likes to pinjam the Taiwan series.. all the English DVDs I’d give to my aunties, Ismah and Haziyah.. pndai2 lah share ahh.. bebgai.. jangan tamak.. excluding Psych, all the seasons.. I would really love to give it to areef my mate.. plus Scrubs all the seasons jua.. (I know ko nda minat tapi aku mati kali dah yaw.. ko paksa jua ambil.. haha..) and I’d give my stuffed things arah my sister, Keena.
My savings, in banks along with the one in my wallet, I would give to my ah ma.. there’s a massive amount of money… hire an employee to work your paddy.. you are now elderly, stop working, will you? My power rangers collection, I would like to give it to anyone yg mau ahaha.. lau nda, just trash it.. I want to give my laptop to my dad.. I know you want it dad.. ambil tia… send2 saja surah2 arahkuu… I give my computer to my mum jua utk main game… my email, blogs, facebook, friendster, imeem, tagged, youtube account, I give it to my mate and myzah, my two bestfriends who filled my times with merriment.. manage tia leh kamu dua.. lau nda, buang saja lahh.. and both of you, aku ada amanat lagi. lau ku mati, aku mau kmu sampaikan hajatku ah.. kamu tau tu.. especially ko ret.. *sedih sedih.
All of the books I’ve collected in my life, the magazines, the motivational books, I want to waqaf it to language and library hall (dewan bahasa dan pustaka hahaha) on one condition.. don’t put my name in it, I want to make good deeds but I don’t want people to praise/judge me.. I don’t need an evaluation.. All my belongings that I forgot to mention, please give it to my aunties… I mean, my mum’s siblings..
heartbreaking kan.. ahahaha.. I don’t want to die dulu.. I haven’t give my ma a cent from my first earnings as a return for raising me, fighting for her destiny to make me be in this world.. I want to make her proud. I promise to send my ma to pilgrimage with my own money.. I haven’t simpan sesen pun in Tabung Haji.. how I wish…
Aku pikir bini2 saja yg kuat sibuk ani, rupanya lelaki ada jua… For the umpteenth time, you are not my boyfriend lagi wah.. batah jua udah.. jangan tah sibuk sal aku.. aku suka sapa ka, aku kawin sama sapa ka, it is in fact not your fuc*ing business wah.. skatiku la kn jumpa/cakap sama sapa2… mun ko kn nyumpah aku, sumpah saja.. jangan berkata2 sinis… prasanmu ko sarcastic?? Ko buat catu, apa jua untungnya… better jangan contact aku mun kan nyibuk sal hal ku, mun kan sindir2.. lagi ku rela ko sumpah aku dari ko sindir2 catu.. sanang ku balas kannn.. sorry jua ah, aku nda ceta arah urg yg bukan bestfriendku sal LELAKI atu.. please okay… merayu tah ku ni.. JANGAN SIBUK WAH.. get a new life saja ko.. agatah sibuk sal urg lain.. aku bukan siapa2~ mun cani, cana ku kn blaki ni... ada penyibuk ni....... rimassss..
Ranger Yang Berkuasa
Seorang Power Ranger ialah individu yang bertukar ("morph") daripada keadaan biasa kepada hero berkuasa tinggi dengan kostum berwarna, biasanya diperbuat daripada spandex dan helmet berkaca hitam (visor). Helmet biasanya digunakan untuk menjaga identiti rahsia seseorang.
Seorang Ranger yang lengkap bertukar kebiasaanya memiliki keupayaan, kekuatan dan kelebihan berlawan lebih hebat daripada biasa. Ranger yang tidak bertukar mungkin memiliki keupayaan kendiri seperti telekinesis, kelajuan, halimunan dan sebagainya yang tidak berkaitan dengan kuasa Ranger yang dimiliki.
Power Rangers kelihatan biasa di sebalik sut mereka dalam bentuk Ranger atas sebab helmet mereka dibuka atau rosak dalam beberapa kejadian yang menonjolkan keadaan semula jadi mereka. Kecuali helmet, sut Ranger ini dipakaikan atau dilenyapkan dengan cahaya terang atau efek khas lain. Kadangkala, para Ranger bertukar semula ke bentuk asal secara tidak langsung (de-morph) disebabkan serangan kuat yang dialami.
Satu pasukan Power Ranger biasanya dianggotai lima orang dengan penyertaan Ranger keenam pada pertengahan siri. Setiap sut dan tenaga spektrum Ranger dipadankan pada warna spesifik seperti merah, kuning dan biru yang kemudiannya disertai warna merah jambu, hijau, hitam atau putih. Para Rangers biasanya dinamakan bersempena warna mereka (Ranger Merah=Red Ranger), tetapi beberapa nama lain juga digunakan. Kebiasaanya, tiada Ranger lain diberikan warna yang sama dalam satu pasukan, kecuali namanya berlainan daripada warna sedia ada (pengecualian ini berlaku pada pasukan Time Force Ranger, dimana ada dua Ranger merah iaitu Red Time Force Ranger dan Quantum Ranger).
Setiap kostum Ranger biasanya sama dari segi rekaan melainkan warna dan bentuk helmet (biasanya bentuk visor) atau pernomboran. Sebarang Ranger tambahan juga biasanya mempunyai tambahan pada kostumnya seperti kelengkapan senjata tambahan.
Ketetapan warna Ranger dilihat mempengaruhi gaya serta pemakaian pakaian biasa para Ranger dalam keadaan biasa di sepanjang siri, dimana warna pakaian mereka sepadan dengan warna Ranger mereka.
Susunan plot
Episod Power Rangers yang biasa boleh dipecahkan kepada sebuah plot yang komprehensif:
1. Para Ranger dilihat menjalani kehidupan seharian dengan kejadian yang harus diselesaikan.
2. Para Ranger diserang askar-askar penjenayah.
3. Para Ranger berlawan menentang askar-askar penjenayah.
4. Para Ranger bertukar.
5. Para Ranger mengalahkan askar-askar penjenayah.
6. Musuh jahat menguatkan tentera dan menjadikannya raksasa, diikuti dengan para Ranger memanggil robot-robot mereka (Zords) atau gabungan robot, Megazord.
-Pilihan: Para Ranger mendapati kuasa mereka tidak cukup untuk menewaskan musuh dan menemui sumber kuasa baru, atau Ranger keenam.
-Pilihan: Para Ranger mencari atau mendapat Zord baru, Megazord baru atau Ultrazord.
-Pilihan: Rakan-rakan muncul memberi bantuan.
7. Para Ranger berlawan dan menewaskan raksasa.
8. Para Ranger dilihat kembali seperti sediakala setelah mempelajari kesilapan yang telah mereka selesaikan.
Elemen-elemen dalam setiap musim Power Rangers
1. Power Rangers tidak dibenarkan mengguna kuasa mereka untuk kepentingan peribadi atau untuk mencetuskan pergaduhan.
2. Power Rangers tidak akan menghancurkan raksasa kecil dengan Megazord sewenang-wenangnya.
3. Power Rangers tidak dibenar mendedahkan identiti sebenar mereka (pengecualian berlaku dalam siri Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers: S.P.D. dan Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive di mana mereka adalah pegawai awam seperti polis dan sebagainya).
4. Senjata para Ranger diseragamkan seperti pistol laser atau pedang.
5. Setiap Ranger juga dibekalkan set senjata yang boleh digabungkan untuk membentuk senjata yang lebih besar.
6. Seorang atau lebih Ranger diberikan sebuah motorsikal untuk kegunaan jarak jauh.
7. Setiap Ranger mempunyai dan memandu Zord masing-masing.
8. Ranger merah biasanya diberikan kuasa/senjata tambahan seperti Battlizer.
9. Kemunculan Ranger keenam pada pertengahan siri, atau penambahan ranger-ranger lain.
10. Senjata dan Zords biasanya musnah pada penghujung musim, digunakan dengan kuasa penuh untuk menewaskan musuh utama.
11. Kuasa Ranger juga musnah, disimpan atau ditinggalkan pada pengakhiran musim; walaupun sesetengahnya ada untuk kegunaan masa depan.
12. Siri-siri Power Rangers selepas Power Rangers: In Space memaparkan jalan cerita yang berlainan antara satu sama lain. Terdapat gabungan dua pasukan Power Rangers menentang kuasa kejahatan, di mana gabungan paling hebat setakat ini ialah gabungan 10 Ranger Merah dalam siri Power Rangers: Wild Force.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
labih labihhh
age: must be 17+
address: kb-ians.
status: single/taken
height must be 5'5 or more.
all the candidates must have these abilities:
1. can make me laugh.
2. have enough power to influence me.
3. always watching youtube.
4. knows any fact that i didnt know about.
5. mad if bullied but easy to pujuk balik.
6. cute when snapped. tapi nda buat2.
7. hate exaggerating couples.
8. knows how to spell correctly (i.e. cakit, mamam) and not using stupid acronyms. (i.e. ily, imy.)
9. listen to me
10. sporting.
11. always laughing.
12. knows how to sambung jokes and make my day happening as always.
13. knows about photographing and editing pictures.
14. can go along with myzah, my cyber sister.
understanding me are not essential. let me repeat again. this is not for finding boyfriends. i just want a substitute for my mate. if you are lucky, we'll be friends even after he got back to Brunei. if you dont, when he got back here, i will not talk to you lagi.
this is important because all this time, after broken up with my ex, he's all i got. he lightened up my days. like he said, i am the only one yg slalu sma ia chat. same as me jua. i got nobody else lagi and i really, EXTREMELY need a substitute.
closing date:
3 December 2008.
please contact me.
Hamyzah and Areef
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・?? says:
A6. Covered By The Happiness.
boring ya nada online. kmarin udah ya nada online. sal nada service
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・??
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・??
kalau tgh2malam ani ia on9 siuk jua
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・??
cuba kau bagitau kau boring ia nada on9. hahaha!
A6. Covered By The Happiness.
A6. Covered By The Happiness.
udah jua ku gto kali ah
A6. Covered By The Happiness.
ya pun boring tu lau aku inda online hahaha
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・??
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・??
A6. Covered By The Happiness.
mana ada dgnku chat selain dari yaa hahaha
A6. Covered By The Happiness.
invite yaa
A6. Covered By The Happiness. says:
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・?? says:
atu kami cakap
A6. Covered By The Happiness. says:
touching tia
A6. Covered By The Happiness. says:
myzahh. ・・ネ・ス・・・ネ・・・ナ・・・ヲ・「・ヲ・「・・・ゥ・・・ス・「・ナ・キ・・?? says:
A6. Covered By The Happiness. says:
Tentang Aku, Kau Dan Dia.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
They Kiss Again Pictures
some of the funny scenes in TKA.
the police asks about hotel in english and XQ answers, "i donno ma.." xp
there is the POLICE word. she doesnt know what is the meaaning.
she's trying to seduce ZS but to no avail haha. she's apparently naked but ZS ignores her.
They Kiss Again (Taiwan) Review
Chinese Title : E Zuo Ju Er Wen (literally, prank's second kiss)
Year : 2008
No. of episodes : 20
Theme song : Mavis Fan (ending song - Ni (You) by Ariel Lin and interlude by Joe Cheng)
Based on The manga Itazarou Na Kiss ("prank's kiss")
This is Sequel to the 2005 smash hit It Started With a Kiss
Ariel Lin as Xiang Qin
Joe Cheng as Zhi Shu
Jiro Wang as Ah Jin
Zhang Yong Zheng as Zhi Shu's father
Cyndi Chaw as Zhi Shu's mother
Tang Tsung Sheng as Xiang Qin's father
Zhang Bo Han as Yu Shu (brother to Zhi Shu)
Figaro Ceng as Qi Tai
Aaron Yan as Ah Bu
Supporting Cast
Guan Cong as Zhi Shu's grandfather
Jason as Hao Qian
Tiffany Xu as Zi Yu
Cai Yi Zhen as Luo Zhi Yi
Jiang Pei Zhen as Zhang Ni Na
Xiu Jie Kai as Zhou Chuan Jin
Candice Liu as Liu Nong
Petty Yang as Chun Mei
Rui Sha as Christine Lin
Jia Yu as childhood Hao Mei
Meng Geng Ru as teenage Hao Mei
Cong Yang as teenage Yu Shu
* xie xie Wikipedia for the full cast list
In the first episode, we are re-introduced to Xiang Qin (XQ) and Zhi Shu (ZS), who are on a plane on the way to their honeymoon. I love XQ and ZS as a couple, I really do. They are a great example of how love can surpass backgrounds, interests and even levels of aptitude. XQ is really cute, at least for me. She got this small body which makes people thinks she’s only 12. Her childish behavior also contributed to the thoughts. ZS is my DREAM guy ever. He doesn't know how to properly communicate most of the time but he expressed his passion towards XQ in his way. This is cute. Because there are so many guys out there lure women with sweet talks. I am not a sweet-talk lover, so yeah. I love ZS. There is a scene where XQ doesn’t know that she is actually at the police station even though the word POLICE are so big outside the building. Funny hahaha. And I love the scene where ZS making out with XQ on the balcony. Lovely..
After returning from their honeymoon (at the end of which they consummate their relationship), XQ unsuccessfully tries her luck at the teaching profession before settling on becoming a nurse. In nursing school, their relationship is severely tested when ZS is faced with a formidable competitor - Qi Tai, XQ's classmate. We get to see XQ suffer like nobody's business as ZS begins to treat her in a much more frosty way than he ever did in ISWAK. However, when Ah Jin finally shakes some sense into him, ZS realizes his jealousy and just how much he cares for XQ. The very sad scene in this plot, XQ tried to talk to ZS but he ignores her. XQ cried heavily outside Yu Shu’s door, very poignant. She said, "Why am I the only one crying? In reality, you've never loved me!" Unlike some actresses who do the ugly faces fake crying or the mouth closed, slow tearing (a lot of Korean actresses), Ariel gave an emotionally wrenching performance in that scene. I burst into tears ehh. Another lovely scene, when ZS allows XQ to draw blood from his arm - the look on Joe's face, a mixture of love, encouragement, and trust, made his performance in that scene marvelous. (err, info: no one wants to practice with XQ because she is excessively stupid and often injured people. So it is really emotive that ZS disregard the pain to support XQ.)
Cue a bunch of quick, somewhat meaningless subplots involving (again) XQ's stupidity and ZS' growing openness and expressions of his love for XQ. At the end, it is revealed that XQ suffers from a possibly blinding eye illness and this illness could be a heritage. She, whom at that time confirmed pregnant, doesn’t want her and ZS’s baby taking her genes. She’s in dilemma. Very sad eh.
Best Moments (scene you should never miss!)
Lines - Episode 11 in its entirety
- When ZS is sitting by himself on the bench after his farewell to his family and XQ before departing for the military. The image of him, alone and looking/caressing XQ's picture on his cell phone was moving beyond words. I burst into tears.
- "I'm the king of the world! You jump, I jump!" Ariel was damn funny in that scene.
- "She doesn't seem to understand just how much I love her" Zhi Shu in a heart-to-heart with XQ's dad. I'm glad XQ overheard this.
- "Like a broken record, she kept telling me that she loved me... it was so annoying. But when this became a regular part of my life and I took it for granted, she suddenly told me she didn't love me anymore. I can still clearly remember the nauseating feeling I had when she said that... I can do 90% of the things in this world. The other 10%, she can do, in a way that no one else can." ZS explaining to YS how he fell in love with XQ.
- "I can't imagine how you would live if I weren't by your side. That is probably why I'm so strict with you. I don't know how long I can be with you in this lifetime, so even if I'm not with you one day, you must live on bravely". ZS' narration while leaving for the military.
- The episode where the past and personality of XQ's mom is revealed.
Monday, November 24, 2008
An old man was walking along the road.
A car stopped near him and a got out of it.
He asked the old man, Sir, shall I give you a lift?
The old man replied, No need I live on the ground floor
Two pupils were fighting outside the examination hall.
The teacher came out and said:
T : Why r u fighting?
S : Teacher, he left his answer sheet blank
T : Why should that bother you?
S : I too left my answer sheet blank
T : So
S : The teacher will think that we have copied from each other.
A : B, which is this crop in the farm?
B : This is cotton from which clothes are made.
A : Then when will shirts and pants grow on it?
Teacher : Why are you late?
Student : Because there was a sign which tells School ahead, go slow
A : Why have you kept the newspaper in the fridge?
B : Because it is full of HOT NEWS.
Professor : What three words are the most used by college students?
Student : I dont know.
Professor : Precisely.
Conductor : Why are you getting an extra ticket?
Passenger : If I lose one ticket, the other would save me.
C : What would you do if you lose both?
P : I am not a fool. I have my bus pass.
C : ????????
Lady : The design of the sari is excellent. But the colour is not good.
Salesman : Dont worry mam. The colour will disappear after the first wash.
Teacher : I killed a person, convert this sentence into future tense.
Student : The future tense you will go to jail.
Mother : Reena, tell me why does a bear have its body covered with hair?
Daughter : Actually Mom, there is no barber in the forest.
I Love Singlishhh
Little Led Liding Hoot (Singlish ver)
Once upon a time hor, got one girl little led liding hoot. She want to go to Ah Mah's house. Morning alleady she go out one, she got take come one basket to put flower. She don wan to walk long-long so go take shot cut. Wah!!! she dono got one animal follow her one hor! She happy-happy walk until she come to Ah Mah house.
"Ah Mah! Ah Mah! I come, open the door leh?" she talk
Then Ah Mah also talk back,
"Come in lah I never close one"
Little Led Liding Hoot open the house and go inside door.....
"oh, solly solly...."
open the door and go inside the house, she got see her Ah Mah on top of the bed. She go ask Ah Mah.
"AH Mah, how come your eye vely big one hor?"
"So I can see you maahhhhh!!!" Ah Mah say back.
"Ah Mah, how come your ear vely long one?"
"So vely easy to hear you one laah!!!!"
"Ah Mah, how come......."
"Aiyaa!!!! SO many question one ah you.... never die before heh?"
"Solylah Ah Mah, I dono mah that's why I ask".
"What soly-soly! Now I want to eat you, I not Ah Mah, I animal one you know................."
Wah! Little led liding Hoot vely scared one, she scleam vely loud but late alleady, the animal alleady eat her. She now inside stomach one. Suddenly got one people, cut wood one, go inside the house. He want to save Little Led Liding Hoot, he go and cut the animal stomach and take out everything, but he too late, Little Led Liding Hoot become shit alleady............
Miss Singapore
One of the main reasons why in recent years the Singapore Government has always ensured that their Miss Universe representative were of tertiary level education or higher was because of the following incident which occurred not too many years ago. It is the final round of the Miss Universe Pageant and the 3 finalists, Miss USA, Miss Malaysia and Miss Singapore are being asked 3 simple questions:
MC: The first question is name me an electrical appliance starting with "L"
Miss USA: Lamp
Miss Malaysia: Light bulb
Miss Singapore: LADIO
Judge: No, no, Radio does not start with the letter "L"
MC: I am going to give you 2 more chances;
The next question is name me an animal starting with the letter "L"
Miss USA: Lion
Miss Malaysia: Leopard
Miss Singapore: LABBIT
Judge: No, no, no, Rabbit does not start with the letter "L"
MC: I am going to give you one last chance, if you answer this question incorrectly, you are disqualified.
Name me a fruit starting with the letter "L"
Miss USA: Lemon
Miss Malaysia: Lychee
Miss Singapore, with full of confidence, smiles and says: LULIAN !
This is not the end of the story, the Judge consulted the board of judges to determine if Miss Singapore should really disqualified; and they decided that since Miss Singapore was having as many problems with the letter "L", the decided to give her another chance.
Judge: OK, the final question is name me a human anatomy starting with the letter "L"
Miss USA: Lung (applause)
Miss Malaysia: Liver (even more applause)
Miss Singapore: LAN CHEOW ! (you know, in hokkien, lan cheow is some kind of genital)
Judge: ?????????!!!!
Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 .
Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again back to 1.
This was what he came up with...
1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run so fast until I fall 6 and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away. So, I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and say I am 6 . He said 5 , tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asks me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1 .
Without the numbers : translation (if you dont get it)
One day I go to climb up a tree outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and fall down. The man rush out and wanted to fight with me. I run so fast until I fall sick and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a knife and try to stab him. Then God he run away. So, I put the knife back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and say I am sick . He said fine , tomorrow also no need to come back for work. He also asks me to climb a tree and jump down. I don't understand, I so nice to him but I don't know what he wants .
only one - tagged my myzah
1. Put Your itunes, windows media player etc on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5. Tag 6 people.
Are you male or female?
- heroic sword. (aku pedang??)
Describe yourself!
- hero's solitude. (yeoh..)
What do people feel when they're around you?
- moonlight lovers. (and that means?)
Describe your current relationship.
- lucky. (nda jua lucky relationship ku. unlucky jua.)
Where would you like to be now?
- half of a lovesong. (offside.)
How do you feel about love?
- after sundown. (and your point is?)
What's your life like?
- truth beneath the rose. (kali aku byk nipu??)
What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
- the cross (aiii..)
Say something wise.
- the howling.
If someone says "is this okay?" you say,
- warmness on the soul.
How would you describe yourself?
- sk8er boi (HAHA)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
- you (apakan..)
How do you feel today?
- how are you lately (apakan..).
What is your life's purpose?
What is your motto?
- thousand year tears.
What do your friends think of you?
- he wasnt.
What do you think of your parents?
- i dont give a damn. (ani pun sandi mzah. haha.)
What do you think about very often?
- iris.
What is 2 + 2?
- tomorrow fragrance
What do you think of your best friend?
- jangan pernah selingkuh (huh?)
What do you think of the person you like?
- mentera beradu.
What is your life story?
- stand you ground.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
- what to do? (haha)
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
- your love is a lie.
What will you dance to at your wedding?
- ice queen (rugged ehh.)
What will they play at your funeral?
- heaven's love. (hahaha)
What is your hobby/interest?
- memories.
What is your biggest fear?
- fall for you.
What is your biggest secret?
- secret love. (okay i have to change my playlist.)
What do you think of your friends?
- sound of freedom
What will you post this as?
- only one
and i tag;
-baby hatchigatsu
Tagged By Areef.
2. No backspacing.
3. Tag 10 people to do this.
rtfazsikhjnsaznmjik btged m,df rtfolpsd,lkji
pnjang jua. bsar rupanya elbow ku. hahahahaha.
i tag people who reads this. =)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Auntie Jahh
my auntie kna antar blajar di arab. she sent my mum something through the air.. apakannn through the air.... hahahaha. i miss you auntie haha..
she sent it to my mum's workplace. hospital pengiran muda mahkota. that is my mum's name after she converted to Islam. her name before? chinese name. PUNK siew yen. no lah. its PANG.
i've never seen a big parcel sent by air. so, kinda excited haha.
she gave a tasbih. beads kan dlm english tu? atas tu apa? mcm asam jawa jua..
i asked her to kirim me a kurma with badam. cigu Irma once told me that org tahfiz eats a lot of kurma and badam, and kismis to strenghten their memories. these times i have eaten almonds saja. supaya kuat minda lahh.
What Is This?
Friday, November 21, 2008
My Routine
"napa ko nada online pagi ahh? malam saja ko online.. napa kan?"
well, take a look at my awfully busy schedule.
(approx.) 7 am - open my eyes.
(approx.) 8 am - get up from my beloved bed.
8.15 am - mandi.
(approx.) 9 - breakfast IF ada kna sdiakan, usai katil.
(approx.) 10 - visit my granda, yg rumahnya nda jauh dri rumahkuu.
10.30 - liat ceta cina arah channel 324 Shuang Xin.
11.30 - liat ceta cina IF ada yg siuk arah channel 322, Celestial.
12 pm - main photoshop.
1 pm - annoy my grandma again.
2.30 pm - liat ceta cina arah 311.
3.30 pm - liat ceta cina arah 324.
4.30 pm - main arah nini.
6 pm - mandi
7.30 pm - liat ceta cina arah 708.
8.30 pm - arah nini lagii.
9.30 pm - liat ceta cina arah 324 masihh.
10.30 pm - limpang jap baca buku.
11 pm - ONLINE.
(approx.) 2 am - sleep.
that is how i spend my time. so now you know, dont ask me balik2 okay. i know you online pkul 7.. andddd, SO? ahahaha..
Mengapa seseorang Yahudi dibolehkan menyimpan janggut untuk mengamalkan kepercayaannya...
...tetapi bila seorang Muslim berbuat demikian, dia dianggap ekstrim dan pengganas?
Mengapa seseorang rahib boleh meliputi keseluruhan tubuhnya kerana memperhambakan diri kepada Tuhannya...
...tetapi bila seseorang Muslimah melakukan begitu, dia ditekan?
...tetapi bila wanita Islam berbuat begitu, mereka kata, 'dia mesti dibebaskan!'
Mengapa mana-mana gadis boleh ke universiti dengan berpakaian mengikut kesukaannya kerana punyai hak dan kebebasan...
...tetapi bila seseorang wanita Muslim memakai hijab, dia tidak boleh menjejakkan kakinya ke universiti?
Mengapa bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati sesuatu bidang, dia dikatakan punyai bakat...
...tetapi bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati Islam, dia dikatakan tak berguna?
Mengapa bila seseorang Kristian atau Yahudi membunuh, agamanya tidak dikaitkan... tetapi baru sahaja seseorang Muslim didakwa melakukan jenayah, nama Islam turut diadili!
Mengapa bila seseorang berkorban diri untuk melihat orang lain hidup, dia amat disanjungi...
Mengapa bila seseorang memandu kereta mewah dengan cara bahaya, keretanya tidak pernah dipertikaikan...
...tetapi bila seseorang Muslim melakukan kesalahan, orang kata ia adalah kerana agama Islamnya!
Mengapa kita terlalu percaya kepada akhbar...
...tetapi selalu persoalkan apa yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quranul Karim?
the EXTREME Results.
happy birthday my love
![My photo](
- Nes
- 19, Female. Loves orange, Manchester United and XBOX 360. Languages used in this blog are English, Malay and some Chinese.
Blog Archive
- Halloween, in my humble opinion. second part.
- Halloween (2007)
- Understanding Bruneians. (part 1)
- Surat Berantai.
- Ibu ku Yang Cantik
- Hari Yang *setangah* Terindah.
- penyibuk.
- My Two Best Cyber Friend. BCF.
- Ranger Yang Berkuasa
- labih labihhh
- Hamyzah and Areef
- Tentang Aku, Kau Dan Dia.
- They Kiss Again Pictures
- They Kiss Again (Taiwan) Review
- okay?
- I Love Singlishhh
- only one - tagged my myzah
- Tagged By Areef.
- Auntie Jahh
- What Is This?
- Huhu.
- My Routine
- Mengapa?
- the EXTREME Results.
- happy birthday my love
- Dedicated To My Mate
- Passport To Fame a.k.a P2F
- Wanita yang wajib dijauhi oleh lelaki
- Sakeena
- ntah.
- Kung Fu Dunk
- Ronaldo ku.
- ohh Geography.
- TAGGED by Myzah
- Oh Bruneian Artists.
- entahlah..
- Elvin Ng
- Happy Birthday
- Aaron Yan
- Puas Hati Dengan Keadaan Jalan Raya Kami.
- Renungan.
- i am so bored.
❤ ERIC NORTHMAN of Southern Vampire Mystery
❤ Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård
❤ Generation Kill
❤ [FF] Alice in Wonderland - Tarrant x Alice pairing.
❤ Fallout 3
❤ Call Of Duty
❤ Left4Dead
❤ Assassin Creed