I was boredout of my mind the other day, so I decided to play GTA IV. Then my brother told me about this website, in GTA IV. Really cool design.
So I'm inspired.
Designing the logo took, maybe 1-2 hours. Replicated it on Photoshop, total 3-4 hours. I was gonna code it, but then laziness overruled.
In all honesty, I didn't really want it to be my new blog layout. I just want to show the mate that I can replicate the website. (Me showing off to him is not a shocker, actually. Happens all the time. I just want to be awesome-r than him. Boo!)
So in the end, nothing come out of it.
But still.. I just wasted 3-4 hours of my life for nothing, and I'm never gonna have it back.
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