Never Fallout is a Fallout 3 fan-fiction, a romance between Charon and (female) Lone Wanderer. I'm *extremely* addicted to Fallout 3 but the Game Of The Year edition didn't work on my XBOX. Shucks, no?
Now, about Charon, can you believe me if I say I LIKE HIM A FRIGGIN' LOT!? Sometimes in the game, I would stop to talk to him, even if his replies were only these:
"What do you need?"
"I don't like the look of this place." <- even funnier when he said this while we're at MY LOVELY shack in Megaton.
I particularly liked it when he yelled “What’s the matter, can’t stand the sight of your own blood?” when he’s high on bloodlust, or when he tells me to “Be cautious”, or when he warns me that “There may be danger here” when we’re in strange areas.
Oh, where’s my manner?! Charon is big, tall, and he’s a ghoul. What’s a ghoul, you say? A ghoul is a human who had been exposed to an ungodly amount of radiation and haven’t had the fortune to die. His raspy voice totally soothed me. He is Charon.
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