kau ada, aku pun mau ada mate! hahaha. aku inda mau kalah nii.
"You don't run, not when you're with us... You stand your ground and fight!"
- pete dunham
"I've never lived closer to danger, but I've never felt safer. I've never felt more confident, and people could spot it from a mile away. And as for this, the violence? I gotta be honest - it grew on me. Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go."
-matt buckner
"You know the best part? It isn't knowing that your friends have your back. It's knowing that you have your friends' back." - matt buckner
pete dunham: Fuck it, I will take you with me. You might learn something...
matt buckner: About soccer?
pete dunham: No mate. Not about soccer, AND FOR FU*K SAKE, STOP SAYING SOCCER!
( dari sinilah, idea MATE sama For F*ck Sake atu aku sama si mate dapat. hingga sekarang ia masih digunakan hahahaha. kau ani mate, luan tepengaruh bah. payah nii.)
"get some drinks in, get some drinks in!"
-pete dunham
~I'm forever blowing bubbles
Pretty bubbles in the air
They fly so high
They reach the sky
And like my dreams they fade and die
Fortune's always hiding, I've looked everywhere
I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air.
United! United! ~
i rate this movie, like... five out of five haha. basically because me and my mate love it and somewhat influenced by it. and the usage of slangs are very convincing. i mean, cool. this won't be our last time influenced by movies, there's more. he is hard to influence, i cannot promo any movie to him. taaaaaaapi bila ia. inda adil. unfair. but its okay. i just santai..
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